
Why Your Email Campaigns Aren’t Getting The Responses You Desire?

Do you have the perception that you’re not getting the most out of your emails? Only 41% of organization respondents rated their email campaign performance as “good” or “outstanding,” so you’re not alone in your thoughts. This leaves a lot of room for email marketers to improve their outcomes and experiment with new methods of email marketing. Most people are fully aware of its capabilities, but many people are still unable to make use of the options available to them.

Email marketing generates more conversions than both social and searches marketing together. Your emails are 5 times more likely to be seen than your Facebook posts, 40 times more likely to result in customer acquisition than a well-planned social media campaign, and (take a deep breath) email marketing has a 3800 percent potential ROI.

It’s an email that keeps your prospects interested, makes your current customers feel involved, and even serves as a springboard for your compelling blog posts, irresistible videos, and other information that your handpicked contact list wants to view. Your email campaigns keep people informed about what’s going on, from promotional discounts to industry news, and they help you maintain your reputation better than anybody else. Email marketing is more successful than many firms realize, from B2B email newsletters that snare your quality triggers to that beautifully prepared value-based and follow-up emails that work for your client retention enchantment.

So, what’s going wrong here? What can you do to ensure that your subscribers respond appropriately? After all is said and done, here are six reasons why your email campaigns aren’t producing the results you want.

  • Relevance

Relevance | LogiChannel

This isn’t the first time you’ve seen a blog post from us that doesn’t include the R-word, and this is no exception. The most important aspect in progress is relevance. You can’t expect your emails to be read, let alone responded to if they aren’t tailored to your client’s preferences and wants. Clients subscribed to your messages in the hopes of receiving something of considerable value; if this isn’t delivered, your emails are likely to be ignored, with the possibility of your clients abandoning you entirely. Don’t worry if you can’t get ‘hyper-customized,’ just make sure the best and most popular goods are included – ones that each client will like, to assist achieve some distinctive importance.

  • Adhere to a Consistent Schedule

Adhere To Consistent Schedule | LogiChannel

This is a lesson you might have learned through blogging, but it applies to practically anything else you do online as well: remain consistent. Your blog should not have ten posts in one day followed by three weeks with no posts at all. Your Twitter account shouldn’t only have one refresh per month and then shoot up with new tweets at regular intervals. In the same way, email marketing works. Maintain a consistent schedule– many internet marketers recommend once a week, but it’s entirely up to you– so that your subscribers know when to expect another email from you.

  • Compose a Killer Subject Line

Compose A Killer Subject Line | LogiChannel

It doesn’t matter how great your offer is or how engaging the content inside your message is if the customer never actually opens it. The headline should be both convincing and expressive. Individuals are murdered by themes like “Snap Here Now! I Promise It’s Worth It,” because it’s a lot of a sales pitch that tells them nothing about the message’s content. If the title is “How I Made $25,000 This Weekend (And You Can Too),” you’ll probably attract a few more people’s attention.


  • Be Personal

Be Personal | LogiChannel

If you’ve decided to join the John Chow website mailing list, you’ll notice that each of John’s emails is written by him personally. He’s maintaining in touch with you as if he’s having a face-to-face conversation with you. Unless you’re a very massive corporation like Amazon (and even then, Amazon send-outs are quite personal), your email campaign should have a similar feel. Customize the “From” address to make it appear as if the message was sent by a real person rather than an automated system. Individuality should be reflected in the message as well; Aweber and other email marketing systems have easy tools that allow you to deliver each message to each individual subscriber.

  • Have an Obvious Call to Action

Have An Obvious Call To Action | LogiChannel

A great email campaign starts with a unique copy, but it won’t help if the recipient of the message isn’t sure what to do next. Make it easy on yourself. It should be self-evident. If you want people to agree to sign up for your forthcoming Webinar, provide a clear call to action button or an effective link to the landing page in the email and make it stand out. It’s impossible to expect internet users to physically type your site’s URL into the address bar and look for the webinar sign-up interface.

  • Use a Follow-Up Series

Use Follow Up Series | LogiChannel

Did you merely make your web program available in a free version? You’ve sent out the welcome email and are now wondering why your conversion rate is so low. Did you forget to send a follow-up email to anyone who didn’t upgrade from the free trial to the paid version? Shouldn’t something similar be said regarding suggestive selling and upselling of related goods and services? A later follow-up is essential to your continued success.

Wrapping Up

Appreciate these six deeper facts and apply them consistently to your email campaign. Although these principles will not guarantee you fast success, you must start somewhere. Email marketing is still one of the most effective lead generation strategies available.

However, not every email marketing campaign is a success. Email marketing efforts frequently require a few changes in order to be successful, and even the most effective emails can fail to produce leads or convert customers. These are the five most important pointers for companies looking to improve their email marketing efforts and produce more leads.

Data Appending Solution

9 Best Email Marketing Strategies For Physicians

9 Best Email Marketing Strategies For Physicians | LogiChannel

Marketing to physicians and other healthcare professionals is no longer simple—not only are they difficult to reach, but they also have low response rates for content that does not immediately appeal to them. Furthermore, the complex nature of the purchase process for medical devices and pharmaceuticals demands thorough research and precise targeting. However, with more physicians viewing vendor content through digital media, there has never been a better moment to optimize email marketing methods for optimum benefits. Hence, conducting a physician email marketing campaign with a smart approach is an important step towards making a medical product a success.

As most of the physician’s inboxes are piled up with promotional emails, while so many messages are deleted without ever being opened, how do you cut through the noise and ensure your emails get noticed by a physician? Simple. Implement the below-mentioned 9 best email marketing strategies to experience greater email marketing success in the healthcare industry.

Tailor Your Message Based on Physician Specialty

Tailor Your Message Based on Physician Specialty | LogiChannel

Generally, physicians are more likely to respond to content offers that are tailored or related to their specific specialty, therefore it’s essential to keep the physician’s specialty in mind when creating email marketing offers. Statistics, case studies, and featured items or product features are all valuable aspects to customize in your email marketing campaign. If nothing else, changing the body of the email in accordance with the physician specialty group will show your recipient that you’re thinking about how your solution fits into their field of expertise.

At present, most of the sophisticated email service providers and customer relationship management platforms will allow you to do some of this customization dynamically without having to create multiple versions of each mailing. Otherwise, partnering with LogiChannel can help you to accomplish this objective by providing you with a well-segmented Physicians Email List. As an industry-leading healthcare database provider, we can provide all the required marketing data to connect with physicians. In addition to that, we offer a wide variety of physicians’ mailing lists including, neurologists email lists, chiropractor email lists, pediatrician email lists, and many more.

Keep Your Email Content Brief And Factual

Keep Your Email Content Brief and Factual | LogiChannel

Sending emails with brief content and factual messages enables you to get responses from physicians. Hence, it is recommended to incorporate trustworthy third-party data or industry studies as this type has a scope that will create interest and confidence in readers and enables them to sign up for your content and download it. As physicians have limited time, being able to rapidly and clearly communicate the value that they will receive from reading your content will help you improve your conversion rates.

If you are in the healthcare industry, you must use healthcare email marketing methods that are appropriate for your industry. Changing how you write and present your emails influences how physicians receive and respond to them, resulting in increased opens, click-throughs, and a healthier bottom line.

Optimize Subject Lines

Optimized Subject Lines | LogiChannel

Subject lines are the ultimate gatekeepers of email marketing. It is always important to write a subject line that is compelling and aligning with your target audience. While crafting email-opening subject lines for physicians, you need to follow the below-mentioned criteria:

  • Important
  • Relevant (new information, breakthrough, latest data, etc.)
  • Concise
  • Time-Conscious (most emails are read on mobile devices)
  • Inclusion of Numbers & Statistics
  • Understandable Benefit & Value (when applicable)
  • Interesting (without being confusing)

Knowing the percentage of your audience who uses a mobile device will help you determine the length of your subject line. Keep your subject line to a maximum of 50-70 characters. Also, keep the major topical focus far front in the subject, knowing that the number of characters the receiver will see is highly changeable.

Optimize Your Email For Mobile Devices

Optimize Your Email For Mobile Devices | LogiChannel

When doctors check their email once a day, it’s likely that they’re doing so on a smartphone or tablet. According to MobiHealthNews, almost eight out of ten doctors utilize their mobile devices for professional purposes. Marketers should build their messages with the assumption that they will be read on a small touchscreen.

Emails with huge images and complex fonts are less likely to be read. Hence, always include simple layouts that align with mobile devices. Optimizing your email for mobile devices can provide greater outcomes in marketing. In addition to that, any landing pages that you link in your email body should be mobile-friendly, otherwise, you risk losing out on great prospects for deeper engagement.

Use Quality Data To Target The Physicians

To ensure that marketing emails are sent out effectively, a firm must have up-to-date information. Doctors may switch institutions, changing their professional email addresses and the patients they visit. Using the most up-to-date data, a company may target the physicians who are most likely to be interested in its products with content that is relevant to them.

A medical technology company may make the most of its marketing efforts if it has access to a rich database with updated email addresses and other essential information for a wide range of physicians. Additionally, the firm can use data enrichment services to ensure that its own results and data are accurate. A company can gain clear insights into the reach of an email campaign with clear insights into the reach of an email campaign.

Include Right Call-To-Action

Include Right Call To Action | LogiChannel

A good call-to-action may make or break a message, regardless of how visually appealing, innovative, well-branded, or instructive. Make your CTA as clear as possible early in the email, so the reader understands what to do next and why. The lower a CTA is placed, the fewer doctors are likely to notice it. It’s also a good idea to do three repetitions of the same CTA.

Say No To Spam

According to research done by EveryAction, 24.16 percent of emails are routed to spam folders on a monthly basis. Even if physicians have signed up to receive your healthcare marketing emails, they may end up in spam folders.

Say No To Spam | LogiChannel

Here are a few tips to bypass the spam filter include:

  • Avoid words and phrases like “100% free,” “best price,” “guarantee,” and “save” that are associated with spam.
  • Authenticating your emails properly so that mailbox providers recognize you as a real sender.
  • Regularly clean up your email list because unread emails diminish your engagement rate, risking your relationship with internet service providers.
  • Include a double opt-in since doctors who want to be subscribed will increase your engagement and delivery rates.
  • Creating a preference center where physicians can choose what kind of content they want from you and how often they want to get it.

Hit The Right Frequency

Hit The Right Frequency | LogiChannel

According to the Adobe poll, email is the most favored means of communication for most brands. However, 45 percent stated the most common reason they unsubscribe from mailing lists is that they receive too many emails.

You don’t want to clutter their inboxes, yet reaching out too infrequently can fail. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, so spend time figuring out what works best for your healthcare practice. More than merely a technique to avoid spam, incorporating a preference center — as mentioned earlier — is a simple approach to guarantee patients get the right quantity of emails.

Create Newsletters With Relevant And Educational Content

Every day, subscribers are bombarded with hundreds of sales pitches and promotional emails, which might frustrate them and cause them to unsubscribe. That is why it is critical to send content that is both informative and beneficial.

Sending valuable and helpful emails will enable you to develop credibility and earn the trust of your readers. Send out newsletters about the latest health news, patient treatment options, wellness tips, new product or service developments, general health-related information, and more. When your emails inspire and provide a solution, your consumers are more inclined to open and read them.

Wrapping Up

Email marketing is the perfect choice for engaging and interacting with existing as well as prospective clients. Even though other marketing strategies can be used in combination with email marketing, nothing allows you to reach out to more people than emails, especially since 39% of Americans check their email one to three times per day. The above-mentioned email marketing strategies, when implemented correctly, can allow you to reach physicians who are extremely responsive to various healthcare-related offers.

Do you market to physicians or other healthcare professionals? Do you supply hospitals and clinics with your products and services? We at LogiChannel can help you reach more people in the healthcare market, no matter who you sell to. Our database services are regarded as an ideal solution because we have access to millions of records and a large range of highly targeted healthcare email lists to pick from.

Data Appending Solution

5 Effective Marketing Strategies For Technology Companies

Faced with rising competition for attention on digital channels, B2B technology companies may find it difficult to target the relevant decision-makers on the proper channels to expand their sales funnel. The ability to communicate with key decision-makers is a massive challenge as it can create a significant impact on the success of almost any enterprise technology organization.

So, what are the options for a technological firm to market its products? To get the most out of their marketing dollars, businesses should look for strategies and tools that can demonstrate and understand the challenges their target industry faces. And also you need to have a one-of-a-kind solution that can generate the type of leads that convert into sales. To that end, we’ll look at some of the most effective ways for technology companies to do so. Enterprise IT companies can employ the following seven major marketing strategies to scale up their marketing efforts in promoting their products and services.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing | LogiChannel

Content marketing is a long-term approach that helps you in strengthening your relationship with your audience, capturing their attention, improving engagement, and increasing brand recognition. Writing and posting relevant content on your website in the form of blog posts, service pages, guides, and videos assists you in bringing potential customers closer to completing a purchase.

Whether your company delivers hardware or software services or something in between, creating content that teaches your customers will assist your technology company. Your content doesn’t have to be entirely about your firm, but it should be relevant to your industry and, most importantly, what your leads are interested in.

In technology marketing, it is essential to publish the content on a regular basis. You may use the same method for your firm in generating leads for your technological products, as 37 percent of marketers feel that blogging on your website is the most valuable sort of content marketing. This means that you must publish content on a frequent basis to launch an efficient marketing campaign.

Invest in Email Marketing

Invest In Email Marketing | LogiChannelEmail marketing has been one of the most effective ways to grow your technology business. It provides some of the highest returns on investment compared to any other marketing strategy. Although the cost of setting up, maintaining, and sending emails is often low, having a reliable email address of technology users can kick-start your email marketing campaign. When it comes to reaching out to targeted technology users via email, get in touch with them using the most effective and accurate technology customers list.

With a well-managed Technology Customers Email List, you’ll be rewarded with a plethora of business opportunities, increased response, and growth rates. Having access to a well-segmented technology customers list helps you to reach:

With the help of a technology users’ email list, you can experience a better level of engagement for all your email marketing campaigns. Acquiring technology users’ mailing lists from a licensed b2b database provider like LogiChannel enables marketers to establish effective business communication with a wide variety of technology users across the world.

Online Advertising

Online advertising evolves at a faster pace. Regardless of company size and technology category, any technology firm can hop onto online advertising and add it to their marketing strategy to boost their online presence. Research shows that people are increasingly using the internet to seek information about technology products and their prices before subscribing or making final decisions. This means you can’t really afford to ignore online advertising as most of your customers are researching online.

Here, in the below picture – you can see how online advertising has been transformed the revenue of US companies from the year 2000 to 2020

Online Advertising | LogiChannel

According to recent surveys, the internet is used by about half of the world’s population, and it is accessible to people of all ages. The primary purpose of online advertising is to enhance a company’s reach. In addition to that, it’s all-in-one, cost-effective, and simple to use. It also offers wide variety of opportunities for both small and large businesses to increase sales in a cost-effective manner. As a result, you can’t simply ignore online advertising because the majority of your clients conduct their research online.

Social Media Marketing

Because of their widespread use, social media platforms are perfect for promoting your technology products and services. Whether you run a B2B or B2C business, you’ll discover that social media can help you connect with and engage your target market. Begin your social media journey by recognizing its potential for building relationships. Rather than promoting products all of the time, use your social media platforms to share useful knowledge and expertise related to that technology. Then people will start to think of your brand as a source of solutions as time goes on.

Social Media Marketing | LogiChannel

If you want to use social media efficiently, make sure you use the right platforms that your target market prefers. Most companies use low-cost social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to combine technology and social engagement through the use of words, images, and video. Technology marketers can use social media to get a voice and communicate with peers, customers, and potential customers. It helps you to customize your brand and spread your message in a comfortable and informal manner.

Build Impactful Reviews & Testimonials

You can seek out independent third-party review sites and attempt to boost the number of user evaluations you receive. Look for “software directories” or “review sites” where you can add and validate your profile. Because of their affiliation with these huge software businesses and their domain authority, websites with a large number of user evaluations generally rank on the first page of Google. These sites will boost the visibility and credibility of your technology product offering. Use your content marketing networks to collect reviews from real customers as well.

Build Impactfull Reviews and Testimonials | LogiChannel

Testimonials increase the value of your landing page, website, or form by establishing trust between you and your prospective buyer. Including a customer who is a strong advocate for your technology product gives credibility and, as a result, increases attention, resulting in more users becoming prospective leads and buyers. According to one study, using client testimonials on a regular basis will help you produce around 62% more revenue not only from each consumer but also from each time they visit your website. When it comes to making a purchase, 92% of consumers say they read testimonials.

Wrapping Up

Now that you’ve learned these five effective marketing strategies to market your technology firm and improve your technology marketing plan. Now, all you need is the time and resources to test them out for your company. If you’d need any assistance with respect to technology users lists, LogiChannel can help! We’re dedicated to providing highly accurate, genuine, and responsive Technology Industry Email Lists to help marketers with multichannel campaigns targeting technology users. To ensure relevance and validity, we obtain our technology users’ contact information from reliable sources.

Would you like to own a specific technology customers list to enhance the efficacy of your technology marketing endeavors? Call upon (571) 393-6555 or send in an email at [email protected] to associate with LogiChannel. You are always welcome!

Top Marketing Trends in Legal Industry

Top Marketing Trends in Legal Industry

The year 2020-2021 have brought tremendous change in our lifestyle. Covid Panademic brought new normal, which forced companies & their employees to adopt the work from home concept. This new technique must be adopted at the earliest & as this addresses the common business challenges in attracting new clients & attracting existing ones. To be more specific, law firms have seen shifts in the way they manage work & meet the changing requirement of clients. So here comes the billion-dollar question how to manage the work shift & meet the changing needs of clients in a cost-efficient manner? In this post, we’ll review the popular trends they faced in 2020 & how they aim to overcome those challenges in 2021.

A recent study by Econsultantcy in association with the Lawyer showed digital marketing approaches are increasing & it is encouraged by top firms to attract new customers. Technology continues to drive business growth & 2021 created an opportunity to evaluate your capabilities to grow into the domestic & international markets.  With the serious shift in the law, the legal industry is offshoring primary work such as document review, research & legal writing to preserve their profit & margins.

Flexibility is the key for law firms to emerge stronger with digital marketing content & willingness to create a new strategy for new clients. Here are a few marketing strategies must any law firm must follow to ensure continuous progress & perform well in the current economic condition.

Give First Priority To Clients

Give First Priority To Clients | LogiChannel

In terms of legal industry marketing, giving first priority to clients might look like, people-focused marketing, understanding the client needs, create an impact on their business. People-focused marketing mainly focuses on how you present your brand & speak to your clients. Always people are interested in the voice behind the brand rather than the marketing machine or bot.

Understanding Your Client:

The better you understand your client, the better empathize with their pains, frustration, and desired outcome. With deep connection, you can solve the complex & serious problems faced by clients.

Creating valuable content:

Creating Valuable Content | LogiChannel

With the current & prospective marketing strategy, creating valuable content related to legal industry updates including new laws and regulations can strengthen your brand. Always populate your videos with blog entities & effectively attract clients to your law firm.

Local SEO:

Most of the small & medium-sized firms should be accessible to firms nearby locations. They are highly focused on geographical areas & convenient locations. With the help of local search, option marketing can be more specific to a particular group. These types of content make sure all necessary information & reviews are listed to meet the end goal of local businesses.

So here are a few actions that can help you to meet the local SEO:

Setting up new business listing:

Setting Up New Business Listing | LogiChannel

There are many listings available, including Google, Yelp, Facebook listing & more. Based on your budget your listing can be focused on. If you’re on going with a limited marketing budget, then go for Google My Business Presence. Google my business is directly associated with the largest search engine which will improve your rating. Google data have been always up & reliable when it comes to location, operating hours & contact information.

Rating & Reviews:

Reviews are one of the most interesting browsed topics across any industry vertical. When it comes to local business search engines are highly regarded by clients & customers. Have a habit of developing a review management system that encourages every client to leave a review, which improves your reputation & visibility.

Build Your Backlinks:

Build Your Backlinks | LogiChannel

Backlinking is an important factor for determining rankings. Always focus on content strategy about what a local audience wants & how existing services can be improved.  Stay ahead of your competitors by keeping your legal directory listing up. Make sure you are listed out in all legal directories based on the location & demographics.


Emphasizing the User Experience:

A critical aspect of any marketing strategy is online user experience (UX). Your digital content must be professional & user-friendly. With seamless integration, UX must be user-friendly & help in real-time to understand the client’s needs. So you may be wondering what may be the best practices for a legal firm website UX must include:

  • Well optimized website for your mobile or tablet
  • High intuitive site navigation
  • Location-based on-site search for lawyers
  • Providing complete details about legal firms & resources

Empowering multi-channel content marketing channels:

A critical aspect of any marketing strategy is online user experience (UX). Your digital content must be professional & user-friendly. With seamless integration, UX must be user-friendly & help in real-time to understand the client’s needs. So you may be wondering what may be the best practices for a legal firm website UX must include:

  • Well optimized website for your mobile or tablet
  • High intuitive site navigation
  • Location-based on-site search for lawyers
  • Providing complete details about legal firms & resources

With an effective marketing strategy, blog posts evolved as one of the great resources for your client to provide valuable information. Considering the internet which is full of content, this content must be diversified effectively, which covers legal expertise from different parts of the world.  As a legal marketer, it is important that you must stick to ever-changing technologies to meet the client’s requirements.

There is a variety of content strategies that work well for law firms. Here are listed below:


Podcast | LogiChannel

This is a recent internet sensation that is popular, especially during this pandemic. Get a series of podcasts based on your legal firms & their specialty. Similarly, transcripts from your podcast are reused across various for branding & advertising.  Combining podcasts & simple videos can be a great source of information that can address various types of FAQs & provide a broad view of authenticity for your videos.


Live Streaming

Social media is one of the biggest influencers for creating brand awareness. Expand your Facebook & link in live chats & open communication lines for new prospects to initiate a new conversation. Alternatively, it can be used as an interactive platform to interact with the audience base.

Building Brand

When people come & interact with you regularly, you can promote the higher level of service offered & build a brand consistent with fresh content. Fresh information & innovation always bring high authenticity for clients. And when it comes to the legal community law firms top the chart in providing essential services for their local communities.

So how the brand is established? Being a thought leader in your own community is highly recommended for building a brand.  You can check out with the pioneers in your community & build supportive relationships that can improve & brand your law firm’s name. If you’re able to showcase your marketing campaigns such as webinars & podcasts, then you can improve your brand visibility drastically in a short span of time.

Participate actively in community events

Show active participation within your community & build relationships with key members of the society. Always remember your interaction within the community will brand your legal firms among the local community. Additionally, you can partner with non-profit organizations to expand your local visibility.

Sharing client testimonials:

Real testimonials from clients give high credibility overall marketing strategy. Once you receive testimonials you can share them across all digital channels. And it recent days all business shifting their presence to online, then this can be key in branding & getting benefit out of it. As we all know the digital marketing landscape is ever-changing & effective techniques need to be framed in order to keep growing & be successful.


For any successful marketing plan, target the local community for brand & reputation. And once the local brand is established, this will drastically improve your reputation, with that you can establish in the global market. When it comes to marketing for legal firms, the ever-growing demand will curate quality content for promoting legal services. Changing dynamics of marketing trends paved a way to expand legal firms & continue to emerge. Hence, with the above guidelines, we are pretty sure data-driven strategy can be implemented & ROI achieved.

Data Appending Solution

Real Estate Email List: A Marketing Tool For Real Estate Agents To Reach Right Clients

Real Estate Email List A Marketing Tool For Real Estate Agents To Reach Right Clients | LogiChannel

The advent of the internet has made many businesses use the online platforms effectively for their business to grow up on the professional ladder. Real estate is one such industry that boomed in recent years with the help of the internet. A real estate agent is skilled in buying & selling properties across the globe. Similarly, an agent must be aware of how well you communicate with people for promoting your properties. With skillful networking, you must keep track of all contacts you have communicated, which is why you need a real estate agent’s email list.

Why having a real estate agent email list is important?

Real Estate Agent Email List | LogiChannel 

Email is an effective marketing tool if used properly. A successful real estate broker or agent aims to grow your client base. They keep track of the people they meet over dinner parties, meet-up groups & other social events. But here comes the big question of how you nurture relationships with all prospects you meet. To answer the above question, maintaining an email marketing list will be the right choice. Also, you can build your own customized lists using custom list-building services to keep track of all prospects. This will be one of the effective marketing tools to save, sort & segment your contacts effectively. Similarly, if you build the list you can get full control over it to edit or modify records as per business requirements.

It is a well-known fact that if the real estate industry email list is used the right way you can reach more people & close more deals effectively.

Here we will discuss building the right email marketing guide to capture leads & build strong business relationships & close deals effectively. Believe it or not, we’re in the 21st century & called the digital era for any business. Staying with trends helps you to improve & grow your business.

A statistic from the National Association of REALTORS profiles of home buyers & sellers indicates 50% of all participants found their homes using the internet.

And more importantly, the 2018 industry benchmark report shows an average open rate of email is 19.24% & a click rate of 1.9%.

From above, we can conclude that having a perfect real estate agent list can broaden your reach & connect with the right prospect for business.

Content of any marketing mail will give a crystal clear idea of how you can nurture your relationship with your subscribers. As a marketer, it is a strategy to sell yourself and your services to a global audience. But still, you find a subtle way to do it because your readers will stop reading them if it is more about you.

Topics that can be covered in your emails:

  • Local news & events across the city
  • Restaurant views
  • Home improvement trends
  • Interior design tips
  • Budgeting sessions
  • Loan workshops
  • Market Updates
  • Market insights

Why an email list is preferred over another mode?

Low cost & the high return on investment makes an email stand out from the crowd. This is one of the main reasons why emails become crucial to any business.  In order to reap the best benefits & get an effective outcome, you must be aware of best practices, building, segmenting the entire email list. Being pioneers in email database services, we at LogiChannel have a team of experts to guide you if you’re in need of any help to build a list from scratch.

Perks of using email tool for real estate business:

Any email marketing software will help you to structure & run your real estate business.

  • Capturing new leads & clients effectively
  • Building everlasting relationships within the real estate community
  • Establishing own brand & promoting it across the globe
  • Grow your sales
  • Expanding client base

Setting up the right real estate email marketing list:

Here are few effective steps to be followed for setting up your own real estate email marketing list.

Capture & Nurture Real Estate Leads:

Capture & Nurture Real Estate Leads | LogiChannel 

There are millions of ways to capture leads & expand your lead database.  From traditional to modern marketing, acquiring leads is one of the major tasks. If it is the traditional way, request a prospect’s email address in an old-fashioned way. When it comes to online, you can connect with prospects using targeted paid ads. PPC advertising is one of the important ways to drive traffic.

Alternatively stay active on all social media pages, which will be one of the lead generation sources to collect basic information about prospects. The collected information must be validated & verified to make sure leads are nurtured & monitored through the entire sales cycle.

Brand yourself:

Branding is one the most used buzz word in recent times. Build rapport with clients to promote your services or real estate products on a global scale.

You can start your conversation with the welcome mail (which can be automated). As the name suggests it is sent to someone who signs up first. Having excellent email marketing software can handle it in a better way. This mail is introducing yourself and proportionally shows the level of expertise, the experience you have in the real estate industry.

Use Right Call To Action

Use Right Call To Action | LogiChannel 

The next most important thing is adding a call to action, which can be used to set up a phone call with prospects if they are interested. CTA (Call To Action) works well in newsletters.  CTA is generally undersigned in email with the right links to call to action.

Conduct Polls & Surveys

The third most important thing is sending out engaging emails. After introducing, going for a sales pitch doesn’t work. Instead of sales mode, you can show the humorous side of yours. Conduct surveys poll to understand better, more about prospect & build an everlasting relationship.

Also, you can send emails about:

  • Holiday greetings
  • Mortgage news
  • Housing decoration trends
  • Newly opened shops or restaurant
  • Real Estate market analysis
  • Events happening in town

Email Personalization:

Over the period, as a marketer, you can analyze the likes & dislikes of your subscribers. A real estate email list can have a variety of subscribers from sellers, buyers, mortgage brokers & more. So segregate prospects based on their interest & send me a personalized email to get a quick response. With automated tools & services, you can generate more customizable emails for each group & keep them engaged.

Automated Emails

Automated Email | LogiChannel

No more manual works. Thanks to automated software which are easy & effective in sending out mails in your absence. From building emails to news alerting everything can be automated.  Based on your mailing frequency you can schedule your weekly/monthly email updates to prospects in a hassle-free manner. An automated email sequence is easy to implement & saves you from doing routine works.

Automated workflows can be created for

  • Incentive email
  • Welcome email
  • Email alerts
  • Follow up emails
  • Referral mails
  • And more

Rolling out targeted emails:

Based on email personalization, now you’ll aware of the different interests of your subscribers. So this would be idle time to use that information & roll out effective and targeted email campaigns manually or with automated workflows. These target emails improve your sales & boost credibility. Targeted email content actually improves your trust & visibility. Campaigns can be about selling properties, current happening in town pertaining to real estate industries, seasonal updates, webinars, prop expo & more.

Tracking Email Metrics

Tracking Email Metrics | LogiChannel 

Metrics help marketers to define if they are actually doing well in the B2B campaign or not. If you’re spending too much amount of time creating content & you are not aware of how many read or how many are ignored, it is of no use.  Every email service providers allow you to track the number of response you received from each real estate client, including open rates & click through rates. Writing a compelling subject line allows subscribers to open your mail & read it.


With the modern marketing technique, real estate can make use of the internet for B2B sales & marketing. Email marketing is one of the digital marketing which never goes out of style. Partner with LogiChannel to build your own list. This creates more opportunities to collect leads, nurture relationships & close more deals efficiently. Spending more time on segmentation will help marketers to send personalized mail & stay ahead of competitors. Are you planning to seal the deal for your real estate business, then use our effective real estate industry email lists. Connect with us at [email protected]& build your reliable email list today.

Data Appending Solution

How to Increase Click-Through Rate for Your Email Campaigns

Image Source: One of the easiest and most reliable ways to communicate with your current and prospective customers is via email. Regardless of industry, you can catch the reader’s attention by sending targeted email campaigns. In recent surveys, it was found that more than 70% of consumers prefer to communicate through this channel with companies and brands. Therefore, it is essential to create effective actions to increase your email marketing CTR (click-through rate). Although there are many metrics that can determine email campaigns performance as shown below, but Click-Through-Rate is one of the priority metrics, one should focus on! Image Source: Ascend2 and Research Partners Before we talk about how to improve CTR, first it’s important to know about CTR in brief. What is CTR and How it is Calculated? Click-Through Rate (CTR) is one of the most powerful metrics to measure the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. This implies that the higher your click-through rate is, higher is the chances for conversion. Let’s see how to calculate CTR: Image Source: The click-through rate is the percentage of readers who clicked on a link in an email – which you have sent to them. In general, click-through rates vary by industry as shown in below figure . Image Source: Hubspot When you ask any email marketer for the metrics they track, CTR is likely to be one of their first answers. Therefore, compared to other email metrics, click-through rate can help you evaluate how readers are responding to your email newsletters. Having a Click-Through-Rate that’s higher than 2% to 3% means readers are heavily engaging with the content you send out through emails. On the other hand, having a CTR that’s lower than industry benchmarks is a sign that some changes are necessary to do if you want to draw much from your email marketing campaigns. Note: Always focus on industry benchmarks while calculating your email metrics.  If you are looking to increase your CTR, regardless of where you are with it, here are some tips for producing amazing emails that will increase the Click-Through Rate. Pay Attention to Brand Consistency Brand consistency is one of the top-most priority things that you need to ensure while sending email campaigns. With the right usage of brand tone, keywords, and addressing the right prospects, you can increase your email marketing campaign’s click-through rate. As every brand has an individual personality, it’s essential for you to keep it as much relatable as possible with the audience you target. Hence, make your blogs, social media posts, newsletters, and emails look consistent with your brand and website. With this way, you’ll make sure your clients can easily identify your brand. Proper Email Formatting  Another essential factor that can help you to boost the email click-through rate is setting the proper format and layout for your emails. Most of the times, prospects won’t read your emails – if they find it difficult to read on their respective devices. Therefore, we suggest the following ways to fix it:
  • Use mobile-friendly formats for your emails to improve your CTR. As the number of people viewing your emails on mobile is higher than on desktop computers, so it is essential to optimize your emails that fits to the mobile screen.
  • Don’t hide key information in images. It can damage your email accessibility if they are blocked by default. Also, at some instances your targeted prospect may miss vital data and will not click on your email.
Include a Clear Call-to-Action (CTA) Your email needs to describe your readers what to do, whether that’s donating to a cause, sharing a campaign, or signing up for the event. Here are some tips to ensure your CTA is clear and effective:
  • Keep the content brief and actionable (For Example Use “Donate now” or “Sign up” options).
  • Include the CTA above the fold means near to the top of the email, so it’s one of the first things readers can see when they’re searching for vital information in your email.
  • For suppose, if you’re sending a longer email, you can include another CTA again toward the end.
  • Also, make sure the link you include in your CTA is visible and eye-popping.
Include Social Sharing Options In recent times, social sharing has become a prominent feature which must be included in your promotional emails. You can witness an increase of 30% click-through-rate for your emails by simply including the social sharing option. The integration of social media with your email marketing strategy improves the engagement rate of your emails and gives more clicks. In addition, it also allows social media subscribers to engage with your brand. Segment and Personalize Are you sending the same email campaign to everyone on your email list? Well, if you do that, we advise you to stop right away. As a marketer, you should understand that all the customers are not interested in all of your messages. Hence, you must segment your email list based on the audience purchase history and their interests. This makes segmentation as one of the essential elements that help increase your email click-through-rate. When it comes to improving click-through-rate using personalized emails, all you need to do is focus on attractive subject lines and email body included with your client’s names. Also, you can use the information existing in your email list such as age, gender, location and more to personalize your email campaigns in more effective manner. Here, you can see how personalized and segmented emails can deliver good results: mage Source: With more data available in your database, personalization and segmentation will automatically become easier and improves your email marketing click-through rate. Resend Your Emails In some circumstances, customers may not open your email. For those you can send the same email campaign again. This works well, if you can separate the audience who didn’t click the link from those that didn’t open your email at the first sight. For that, you can use various email marketing automation tools to create an email drip campaign and control its overall workflow by yourself. This process can save your time from the burden of paperwork and automates the personalized sequence of emails you want to send to a mass audience. Wrapping Up While there are several ways to improve click-through rates for your email marketing, the best thing to note is that emails are simply a valuable tool for maintaining relationships with your subscribers. The better you anticipate their requirements and integrate ideas into your posts, the more likely they are willing to click on your emails.
Data Appending Solution

Best Examples of Email Signatures That Drive Conversions

Source: When it comes to email marketing, there are lot many things that come into mind including monthly customer newsletters, daily blog RSS feeds, email campaigns and more. But one thing you probably didn’t think of is employee email signatures. Do you use an email for your business? If so, then you might know about email signatures. However, most people don’t seem to put much value to it. But what if an email signature can become your one of the most significant marketing channels. Yes, you read that right, email signatures will become your primary channel of marketing and give your company a new ability to boost your business. But only if you know how to do it properly. Here in this blog post, we’ll show you how to make a professional business email signature that can become a new useful tool for your business success. But before we start, let’s discuss briefly Email Signature. What is an Email Signature and Why is it Necessary? Email Signature is a short text which is normally placed at the end of an email. It provides basic information about the person who sent an email to the recipient.  In their email signature, people can add anything they believe to be important – including their full name, the company name they work for, designation, contact details, photo or company logo, and more. Basically, your email signature is your business card in digital form. At some instances, you may think – why do I need to create an email signature? Here are quite a few good reasons why you need it:
  • With an email signature, people can easily and quickly identify your contact information.
  • Adding your company name in the email signature can give the recipient a chance to find your company and product before getting back to you.
  • Also, it allows people to contact you if your message was forwarded from your business partners.
  • Furthermore, an email signature helps you to drive traffic to your company website and social profiles also.
Here, in this picture, you can see all the benefits that can revolve around Email Signatures. Source: Uppers Email Tips for Creating an Email Signature For most of the marketers and business owners, creating an email signature seems like a pretty and simple task. But, choosing the right email signature is much more important than you might think. Also, the signature which you choose must be readable, relevant, and elegant. To achieve this, you need to follow a few simple guidelines that are mentioned below:
  • Do Keep it Short and Simple
Providing all the necessary information about you and your company is the basic aim of creating an email signature. But limiting all your info between 5-7 lines can make all the difference.
  • Do Customize Based on Your Designation
To keep your email signature more specific, you can customize it by adding your designation in the company which you work for.
  • Do Include Social Media Icons
Including social media, icons will drive traffic to your website and help set up additional contact channels with your prospect.
  • To Add a Call-To-Action
Including a CTA in your email signature can push the recipients to follow a link and read more about your company or offers you provided.
  • Do Make It Mobile -Friendly
When creating an email signature, make sure everything included in your contact information is displayed correctly including each link and icon.
  • Do Check For Spelling Mistakes
Misspellings in an email might come while framing out the content, but mistakes in a signature show it as unprofessional. Hence, check for spelling mistakes while creating an email signature.
  • Do A/B testing
If you have the time and you believe email signature can drive more conversions, why not to go for A/B testing on it? This is especially applicable for sales representatives.
  • Don’t Use Multiple Colors and Fonts
Great email signatures are always simple, reserved, and easy-to-read. Hence, avoid using multiple colours and fonts in your signature as it may disturb the reader’s attention.
  • Don’t Use Multiple Images
Just like with fonts and colours, keep your email signature simple with one or two images. Instead of using multiple photos, it is suggested that use only one image in your signature – a professional photo or your company logo. Here are some of the best examples of email signatures done by top brands to drive conversions. Choose one from them and create a suitable version that aligns with your company. Drive Website Traffic Promoting existing content in your email signature can drive more traffic for your website and improves social shares. If you’ve got the right landing page set up with an email newsletter signup form, it could drive more subscriptions also. From a high-converting case study to an infographic that went viral on Twitter and other social sites, choose content that actually grabs the readers’ attention. For that, coordinate with your content team and review conversion data in Google Analytics to discover which content performs especially well for your business. Then link that in your email signature.   Note: Don’t just include “Read our latest blog/whitepaper/ebook!” instead of that, hyperlink intriguing anchor text that compels the reader to click, as Yesware does in this example below:
  • Email signatures with call-to-action example
Image Source: Yesware Alternately, you might use a graphic to advertise the content, as shown in the following example from HubSpot:
  • Email signatures with call-to-action example
Image Source: HubSpot Increase Your Following Want to grow your social media following? Here, you have got some options. Initially, you should link your main social media channels in your email signature as most of the people like to follow brands they work with and buy from. Instead of including long URLs, you can link using small icons to your social media channels. Note that, all icons must be precise, instantly recognizable, and simply less exhausting to look at, as demonstrated in the following example from Mailbird.
  • Example for Email Signature with Social Media Icons
Image Source: Mailbird If you desperately want follows in your social media profile, you could take a more aggressive route like Limehouse Creative did as shown in the below image. Although there’s a lot of information in their email signature, your eye is immediately drawn to the graphic, right? If social follows are most important to your marketing strategy, this is a great option to choose for your company too.
  • Example of Email Signature for Social Follows
Image Source: SmallBusinessSense Generate Leads When it comes to requesting for demos, your email signature is a perfect opportunity for your sales team to generate leads. Hence, you can include CTAs like “Request a demo” link in your email signature to make it easy for leads to connect with the sales representatives.
  • Example of Email signatures for sales representatives with a call to action
Image Source: Yesware Turn Leads into Customers Once you’ve got a thread going with a lead, the goal is to push them further down to the sales funnel. From our first tip, you could take a cue and link the signatures of your salespeople to your top-performing case study. Or you might work with your CRM program to change your email signatures dynamically based on the status of a lead. The addition of a discount offer may be just the thing that wins them over for leads that unexpectedly went cold, or are just lollygagging. The banners from your display ads can also be reused. Here, you will see how the realtor of Holman Homes used discount deals in his signature. Email signatures Example for special offers Image Source: WiseStamp Promote Upcoming Events Email signatures are perfect for promoting an upcoming event because it’s likely that the email will be read by recipients before the event takes place. When you embed an event-based banner after your email signature as shown in the below image, there’s a good chance to get promotions for your upcoming promotional events or summits. Email signature Example for promoting events Image Source: HubSpot Conclusion With an email signature marketing strategy, it’s easy to increase the number of opportunities to reach your target readers. Hence, email signatures have become trending in creating a huge opportunity for your business growth. If you are not employing it, then you are losing some potential leads, sales, and customers. Using professionally designed, branded email signatures for your company can become one of your best business decisions. With this marketing channel, your business will always benefit and enjoy more brand awareness, leads, social media engagement and more other advantages.
Data Appending Solution

Email Marketing Tips for Thanksgiving Day

Image Source: Thanksgiving Day opens the door to the very unique and busy holiday season as 40 per cent of festive shopping happens during this weekend. At the same time, this holiday is all about giving thanks and spending time with family and friends. Hence, email marketers need to consider this fact and don’t limit your campaign to simple hot deals and special offers on this Thanksgiving Day. Along with providing discounts and special deals, as a marketer thinks of expressing gratitude in a more sophisticated way towards your loyal customers who supported your business during this Covid-19 global health crisis. As an email marketer, if you haven’t scheduled your thanksgiving email campaigns for the most lucrative days to come, don’t worry! Here are some email marketing tips that you should apply to take advantage of this biggest shopping season.

Design Appealing Email Templates

When it comes to sending Thanksgiving Email Campaigns, you don’t have to start from scratch – just focus on designing eye-popping email templates that grabs customers’ attention. Although your marketing campaign has not been devised well in advance and you do not have ample time to segment your clients, send customized messages and deals to your customers. If you are a small company with a limited customer base, you can send customized emails before Thanksgiving Day. According to some reports, half of the American people are informed about Thanksgiving Sales through emails. Sending emails only one day before the big day enables customers to consider your offer.

Provide Offers Along With Thank You Note

Sometimes, holiday sales can be accelerated by a simple email campaign offering a discount. To find clients who make major or regular transactions close to Thanksgiving, look over the sales data from the past few years. Furthermore, you can send Thank you notes to your customers and offer them various promotional discounts and gifts. You can consider these Thanksgiving Email Campaigns as an opportunity to invite your customers to your e-commerce websites to avail exciting offers. Sending thank you messages to your customers along with the promotional offers is actually an excellent way to show your gratitude towards them.

Add Interactive Elements in Your Email

During Thanksgiving week, customer’s inboxes fill with bunch of emails and discount offers. Due to the overflow of emails, most of the emails often remain the same and thus many stay unopened. If you want the email recipient to click on your email, then give them something new and something unique. Hence, it is highly recommended to add interactive elements like an animated GIF image or a video in your email to make it eye-popping and stunning. In addition to that, you can include visual storytelling in your email as this is one of the fastest ways to grab attention and gives your customers a reason to regularly check your emails.

Include Automation And Personalization 

As this is clearly evident, Thanksgiving week is the busiest time possible in every way. This could be the perfect time to use marketing automation by automating a variety of your email campaigns, starting with deals and reminders from welcome emails. In addition to that, create customized communications and segment your emails as personalized emails offer 6x higher transaction rates.

Use Catchy Subject Lines

In general, the holiday seasons are meant to be crowded up the customer email inboxes with dozens of promotional deals and discount offers. Hence, it is essential to use catchy subject lines which are impactful and create first impression for readers. Also, the subject line must draw attention of the email recipients and enable them to open the particular email. Even if your offer is the best of all time, it doesn’t lead to anything if your email doesn’t open. The difference between making a sale and getting your email trashed is your subject line. Hence, offer them a sense of urgency that makes them want to open your email. For that, you can use phrases like “Limited Period Offer” or “Final Hours.” So, it is always recommended to use killer subject lines that stand out your emails from others.

Keep You Email Short And Simple

The primary step in having a successful Thanksgiving email marketing blast is getting your recipients to open your emails. For that, you need to write emails that are short, simple, and straight to the point instead of using lengthy paragraphs. To make your Thanksgiving email campaigns more effective- hold off the business part and send out your expression of gratitude first to make them feel valued. Don’t use large phrases that would overwhelm your readers. Alternatively, make it seem like you talk directly to them as their acquaintance or someone they can trust. Also, make sure that you write in a language that the viewer can understand in full-fledged manner.

Use Responsive Design

To get maximum open rates for your Thanksgiving email campaigns, make sure to use responsive designs for your emails. In recent researches, it was found that Mobile internet traffic accounts for 40.61% of all internet traffic. All this is due to more and more people use their mobile phones regularly to open their emails. Hence, this is the reason you should create your emails that can be viewed across multiple platforms including desktop computers, mobile phones, tablets and more. Furthermore, usage of responsive designs while crafting Thanksgiving email campaigns will give your emails a higher chance of being opened, read and possibly some prospects may convert into paying customers.

Bottom Line

The Thanksgiving season is the best time for you to attract more customers and increase your sales like never before. Although, time management can become a huge struggle with most of the holiday shoppers, but your marketing efforts matter the most to increase your sales. We have included many useful tips and tactics that will not only help your Thanksgiving season sales but also increase your brand’s reputation. By using our Thanksgiving email marketing tips, we’re sure that you’ll be on your way to create and send Thanksgiving emails that aligns with your subscribers.
Data Appending Solution

10 Actionable Tips to Run Successful Email Marketing Campaigns

Source: Whenever you want to communicate something about your brand or sell your products & services, email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to do so. As email gives a direct line of communication with your audience, it has become one of the best ways to promote all other marketing strategies. In terms of ROI and Sales also, email marketing campaigns help generate more sales than other digital channels as shown in the following figure. Source: For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can able to generate $40 in return. To get the most out of your email marketing strategies, you have to go beyond just sending several emails to your list. For that, you have to take the right steps to make your email marketing campaigns stand out from the rest. To maximize the potential of email marketing for your business, here we are providing ten essential tips to run a successful email campaign. Know Your Target Audience To be successful with email marketing, it is crucial to know about your target audience along with their interests and challenges. This also suggests that sending the same email content to the entire mailing list is not successful as multiple audiences have different interests. Therefore, make sure that you have ample data on your target audience and how best you can reach them. The goal of email marketing is to nurture and build relationships with your audience based on the information they would like to have from your company. In recent researches, it was found that emails relevant to the recipient tend to drive 18 times more revenue when compared to general emails. Hence, implementing a targeted approach can definitely make a difference. Segmentation As a marketer, you should understand that all the customers are not interested in all of your marketing emails. Hence, you must segment your email list based on the audience purchase history, location and interests. This makes segmentation as one of the essential elements that help increase the response rate for your email campaigns. Segmentation is all about dividing your email list into smaller, more targeted sub-groups. Here, in this picture, you can see – on what basis you can segment your customers’ database. Source: Segmenting your customer’s list will let you target your consumers based on their personal preferences. Also, it enables you to promote your products or services in a personalized manner. Here are some of the positive outcomes you can expect from customer database segmentation: Source: Lyris, Inc. Customer database segmentation allows your marketing teams to send the right email to the right person at the right time. Furthermore, it allows your emails to stay relevant and gives you a chance to understand the needs of your customers. So, you can offer specific products that are actually needed by your customers. Personalization Your email marketing strategies work well when it comes to creating a unique experience for your prospects. By leveraging the power of personalization, you can make your customers feel exclusive or unique which ultimately leads to sales conversion. According to the email marketing company “Campaign Monitor”, emails with a personalized subject line are 26 per cent more likely to be opened than emails with a generic, non-personalized subject line. Here, you can view some interesting facts about personalization in the following figure. Source: OptinMonster So if you have access to your email recipient’s first name, it makes sense to use it in both the subject line and in the body of the email. To give a personalized touch, you can also go about asking simple and appropriate questions in the email. As a b2b marketer, you should recognize the significance of adding a personal touch to your email marketing as it has a direct impact on the number of conversions you get. A/B Testing Running an A/B test is one of the best email marketing practices as it generates good results. The only strategy that eliminates guesswork from your email marketing is A/B testing and gives you a road map of what modifications you need to make. Here, you can see the significance of A/B testing in the following image. Source: A/B split testing is nothing more than a way of splitting your email audience into different segments or classes and figuring out which version of your email offers the best conversion performance. By testing out different versions of your emails, you’ll be able to optimize your overall campaign and get better results. Provide a Dedicated Landing Page for Your Campaign Most of the time your subscribers visit your homepage, product page or specific landing page through email. To get good conversions and the best return on your investment, it is always recommended to create a dedicated landing page and direct your email traffic to it. A dedicated landing page is much more relevant and targeted, which makes your email campaign really effective. Keep Your Layout Simple & Short Don’t overload your email layout with flashy graphics, huge fonts and other elements. It is always crucial to keep your email layout clean and simple. Maintain your email layout look like a professional and easy to navigate as complex email layouts will turn your recipients off and enables them to throw off your email campaign or newsletter right into the trash file. To increase your chances of getting responses from customers, you have to stay concise and clear. Hence, it is important to keep your content shortly and clearly so that they can easily take action. To keep your messages simple & short, it can be smart to use bullet points. Also, be sure to stick to a clear call-to-action (CTA) as it conveys the information in a way that makes your email recipients want to click through to your website to learn more. Use Scannable Content When it comes to rolling out effective email marketing campaigns, your email structure needs to have scannable content. In other words, you need to keep your email layout with short paragraphs, effective subheadings along with any mentionable facts. That’s how you can get the undivided attention of your prospects and increase your chances of converting them through your email campaigns. Here, in this image – you can see how scannable content enhances readability while comparing with paragraph blocks. Source: When compared to paragraph blocks, scannable content is more readable which can indirectly improve your reader’s experience and leads to better sales in the longer run. For this, you can use several email service providers such as MailChimp, AWeber, ConstantContact, GetResponse and more. Also, you can consider the checking of HTML version of your email before sending them out. Use Mobile-Responsive Designs If your emails are not optimized for mobile devices, it’s possible that your message won’t get the attention it deserves. The most important factor for effective mobile email marketing is mobile-friendly design. In fact, according to Blue Hornet, 80 per cent of users would delete an email if it does not look good on their mobile devices. Clean Your Email Lists You need to clean the bad email addresses in your list as it will impact your credibility and your overall deliverability to get good results from email marketing. Most of the marketers only concentrate on expanding their email list while ignoring the reach of their email campaigns. Hence, don’t invest all your time and resources in trying to get more individuals on your list, instead of that, steer some of your resources to hit your subscribers’ inboxes. Pay Attention to Your Metrics One of the major keys to improving the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns is to analyze the results of your each email marketing campaign. Here are some of the most useful metrics you need to monitor for email marketing performance: Source: To optimize your email campaigns for success, monitoring open rates, click-through, conversions, and other significant variables help you to derive a clear picture on what needs to be corrected, changed, and/or eliminated within your email marketing strategies. Final Thoughts Email marketing is a process which takes time to get successful outcomes, but it is worth spending time and working on. Not only it is a perfect way to connect and keep your clients updated, but statistics show that email marketing provides marketers with the highest ROI. As a marketer, if you are trying to make most out of your email marketing campaigns, don’t forget to pay attention to the above-mentioned email marketing tips!
Data Appending Solution

Examples of Unique and Best Email Designs for Email Marketing Campaigns

Image Source: Best Designs Regardless of industry type and business size, you can use email marketing to promote your business on a rapid scale. Although there are many different ways to reach your target audience, from social media campaigns to influencer marketing and paid ads, email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to cut through the competition and enables you to speak directly to your customers. To maximize the effectiveness of your email marketing strategies, you need a great design that grabs the attention of customers. Hence, most of the brands are turning to email design and new creative solutions that gain the attention of the customers and increase the click-through rate for their email. Based on the type of industry and email purposes, email marketing campaigns can be divided into several categories. In this article, we will focus on four types of email campaigns that marketers in all industry segments use those most often:
  • Product promotion
  • Upselling
  • Cart abandonment
  • Product updates
In a general email, the design varies concerning the type of email campaign. Here, we are providing the best examples of email designs developed by top brands based on the type of campaign they used: Product Promo Email Campaign Examples Along with email newsletters, the most common email marketing campaign used by most of the businesses and brands when they launch a new product or service is product promotion. Here are a few examples of best email designs used by top-brands for product promotion.
  • Apple AirPod Pro
Apple’s email product campaign for the launch of AirPods Pro earphones is in line with the brand’s style and visual characteristics. If you look at the below image, it is simple, predominantly monochrome with a large, high-quality photo of a product which is dominating the main screen. [Image Source: ReallyGoodEmails]
  1. This email campaign has well-structured headings which help readers to understand what exactly they are looking for.
  2. Contrasting images of Air pods pop against the dark background is eye-popping which can grab users’ attention.
  3. Also, the numerous calls-to-actions such as “Learn more”, “Buy” may lead readers to visit their landing pages and enables users to make a purchase.
  • Great Jones’ Salt & Pepper
Great Jones’ is a company specialized in producing home products such as kitchen appliances and inventory. If you look at the below image, their Salt & Pepper product launch campaign completely relies on simplicity and attention-grabbing animation. [Image Source: ReallyGoodEmails]
  1. Great Jones’ email campaign is all about selling one product which was displayed in the email template.
  2. This makes their email campaign strikingly concise and direct.
Another example in simplicity and direct marketing – is about a product launch email campaign during a conference conducted by [Image Source: ReallyGoodEmails]  
  • If you look at the above image, the email design with solid black background -which is very attractive that can grab the users attention
  • Also, they clearly mentioned their CTA as “Reserve Your Seat” for the conference related Final Cut Pro X Creative Summit.
Upselling Email Campaign Examples Whenever a customer buys a product from a particular brand, it can send upsell campaigns to their customers. Hence, most of the businesses usually send upselling email campaigns that can steer the buyer’s attention towards more products that they might interest and buy. Here are examples of best email designs used by a few brands for Upselling Email Campaigns:
  • Dollar Shave Club
[Image Source: ReallyGoodEmails] With a carefully executed and beautifully crafted e-mail campaign, this beauty and personal care brand upsell its products based on their customer’s interests as shown in the above email template.
  • The “Dollar Shave Club” campaign invites a consumer to add more items to their shopping cart before hitting the order button.
  • The email campaign portrays potential purchases in two columns, with a very striking contrast between the product and the background.
  • To grab users’ attention, they used vivid orange CTAs for “ADD” which are very visible and eye-popping.
  • WeTransfer
WeTransfer is a company specialized in File transfer services. If you look at the below image, it is trying to upsell its bandwidth package through a uniquely designed email campaign that markets WeTransfer Plus package [Image Source: ReallyGoodEmails]
  • With a perfect and concise email design, they opted to market their product with a magazine-style email campaign.
  • They used a lot of white space and a few vibrant colours to make their email campaign stand out.
  • Also, with a single call-to-action button, they are trying to invite readers to learn more about the package and make a well-informed purchasing decision.
  • Grammarly
Another example of Upselling related Email Campaign is Grammarly. If you look at the below email design created by Grammarly – which is very personable and attractive. [Image Source: ReallyGoodEmails]
  • They mentioned “Highlights of Your year” in newsletter with yearly writing stats.
  • This creates an immediate effect of familiarity and reliability along with a personalized touch.
  • Furthermore, their email campaign follows its brand’s style guidelines with clean white space and gentle, pastel colours.
  • Also, they mentioned the CTA button at top of the newsletter which invites them to upgrade to the Premium account.
Cart Abandonment Recovery Email Design Examples Cart Abandonment is the most common scenario when it comes to eCommerce. Most of the customers visit an eStore, add an item or a few into their cart and then leave without completing the purchase. This leads to Card Abandonment. Here are some of the best examples of email marketing campaigns that remind customers about the items they have abandoned in their cart.
  • BluDot
BlutDot is a company specialized in Home decor and furniture brand. It reminds their visitors of items they have viewed in their online store by sending them a very concise cart abandonment recovery email campaign as shown in the below figure. [Image Source: ReallyGoodEmails]
  • To grab the attention of users, Bludot provided furniture images in a neutral colour along with simple lines “Taking another look? We saved your items.” and CTA as “Complete my order”
  • The email campaign is very precise about reminding their readers of the items they looked and abandoned in their carts previously.
  • Just below the CTA, they provided the items with a direct Checkout button next to them.
  • Moschino
The cart abandonment recovery email campaign executed by Fashion and Apparel Brand – Moschino is quite interesting as shown in the below image. [Image Source: ReallyGoodEmails]
  • This email design features a black and white photo of a model with a caption “You left something behind” and a “Return to checkout” call-to-action – which is quite exciting.
  • Right under this large central part of an email, there is a list of items the user has left in their shopping carts.
  • Also, they included “Complete my order” button which enables readers to return and complete the purchase.
Here is one more example for Cart Abandonment Recovery email campaign executed by Exercise and fitness brand – ASICS. If you look at their email design mentioned below, they remind visitors who have looked at items in their store, placed them in a shopping cart and abandoned them. [Image Source: ReallyGoodEmails]
  • ASICs cart abandonment recovery email campaign mainly highlights the product that has been viewed by the users who visit their website.
  • Also, they mentioned CTAs in an email that encourages them to complete the purchase.
Product Update Marketing Campaign Examples Updates to the products or services help satisfy consumers and create more interest in those products. Marketing campaigns for product updates educate the subscribers about products and typically include a lot of information, both in copy and design. And here are some examples for Product Update Marketing Campaigns: BluDot’s Stack’em Up Home and decor brand Blu Dot’s “Stack ‘em up” product update email campaign is quite narrative as it incorporates design of their upgraded product as shown in the below image.