
Significance of Data Quality in B2B Industry

In the world of B2B marketing, generating the right leads is an essential aspect because these leads will be converted into loyal customers. Of course, you have a variety of lead generation examples and best practices to pick from. In B2B lead generation, however, data quality is very important. As a result, the quality of data collected, stored, and consumed is becoming more significant. We’ve all witnessed the negative impact of poor data can have on a company and are familiar with the frequent consequences of incorrect data, but how much does it truly cost?

According to Gartner’s research, the majority of companies believe that poor data quality costs them an average of $15 million every year. While those of us who work with data on a daily basis are aware that incorrect data is costly, this number is surprising.

“Without Data, you’re just another person with an opinion.” – said W. Edwards Demming

Let’s See The Role and Significance of Data Quality in B2B Industry

Quality Data Improves Decision Making

Quality Data Improves Decision Making | LogiChannel

The quality of data determines how useful it is. Even minor quality variations can lead to poor business decisions, which can cost a company hundreds of thousands of dollars. The higher the data quality, the more confident the team working with it will be in the results it generates, minimizing risk and boosting efficiency. The value of data in decision-making is in its consistency and increase. It enables businesses to discover new business possibilities, increase revenue, forecast future trends, improve present operational efforts, and more.

With the help of b2b data providers, nowadays most of the key decision-makers can be able to make better-informed choices than in the past by structuring and filtering the data which was collected by an organization. Today, most of the top companies around the world use data to make decisions about their business. When better decisions are made, businesses can reap benefits that extend beyond the expected margin.

Improves Business Processes

Improves Business Processes | LogiChannel

Up-to-date and accurate data aids in the evaluation and improvement of business processes while allowing you to save money and time. By providing data in a format that can be interpreted by management, quality data allows a business to make informed decisions in day-to-day business processes.

Improved Customer Relations

Improves Customers Relations | LogiChannel

The customer is king! It is essential for any business to have a good relationship with its customers in order to ensure future sales and success. It’s mandatory to hold accurate data to boost your customer relations. Data allows you to properly understand your constituents, preventing you from sending them mail they won’t read and allowing you to anticipate and address their requirements. Both of these things generate a lot of positive feedback from your customers, and that is why data quality is so crucial.

Understand the Audience and Market

The marketing landscape today is extremely diverse and ever-changing. Within a week, a product that was just released must compete with an updated version from another company. Today’s audiences’ tastes/choices and purchasing processes are continually evolving, posing a significant challenge to businesses.

Any business endeavor requires an understanding of your customer. Successful companies know what their customers want and how to get their product or service in front of them in the most efficient way possible. It is easier to reach out to your customers if you can see them clearly. In order to discover current market circumstances and customer behavior, it is essential that companies have access to high-quality, up-to-date data.

Increased Productivity

Your sales and marketing teams can be more effective when they have access to high-quality data. They may focus on their core purpose of growing an audience and providing sales opportunities rather than validating and addressing data errors.

Increased Productivity | LogiChannel

Data, if correctly accessible and deployed, can offer businesses the way to enhanced worker efficiency. There’s no excuse for leaving data out of your processes when tools and resources are available in greater quantities than any organization could hope to use.

Enhances Marketing Efforts

As one of the responsible B2B marketers, I can tell you that today’s marketing is predicated on data quality to the level of 80%. Data quality is critical since you can’t understand or communicate with your clients and prospects until you have high-quality data.

Enhance Marketing Efforts | LogiChannel

The value of good data may also be shown in marketing campaigns. Companies could only market to the biggest audience in the past due to a lack of demographic and other crucial data on customers, wasting money on people who were unlikely to be interested in the particular products or service being given.

Minimization of Losses

Poor data can result in revenue loss in a variety of ways, including communications that fail to convert to sales due to inaccurate customer data. Furthermore, customer confidence is lost and corporate liability is increased due to poor data quality.

This is why we B2B marketers should pay greater attention to the practice of just collecting personal information that is directly relevant and necessary to achieve a specific goal. And, by all means, ensure that the information gathered is accurate.

Tips To Ensure Data Quality

We highlighted the importance of good data and the criteria that define it. Let’s look at how you can make sure your company’s data is up to standard.

Tips To Ensure Data Quality | LogiChannel

  • Evaluate the quality of your data on a regular basis and keep track of any issues, errors, or gaps.
  • Calculate the impact of data quality, both good and negative. Identify and enhance the business value created by good data, as well as the costs associated with poor data quality.
  • Identify the main aspects that represent your firm and are necessary for it to expand at a quicker but sustainable pace. Then concentrate on those data sources to separate the useful from the useless.
  • Work toward establishing a central data repository that contains only relevant, full, unique, and trustworthy information.
  • Determine the best tool, method, and technology combination for error-free data analysis.
  • In addition to establishing a core data team, work with competent data analysts and experts. Ensure that accountability is obvious and that data governance principles are well-understood by everyone.


In the day-to-day lives of different authorities handling the data, data maintenance and quality assurance is an ongoing and frequently time-consuming operation. Leaders that position their firms to manage data appropriately and appreciate its intrinsic value will always have a competitive advantage.

Periodic reviews and scrubbing—or cleaning—the data are required to maintain data quality. Scrubbing entails updating, standardizing, and de-duplicating data, as well as ensuring that all relevant information is there. The faster data can be cleaned, culled, and consolidated, the more insights can be extracted.

We don’t take data quality for granted at LogiChannel. It’s an important step in the lead generation process. Lists, on the other hand, rapidly get stale. Promotional operations are severely harmed by out-of-date contact and corporate information. Quality leads shift from one position to the next. To generate successful sales, you must clean data after a title change, a business change, or an email change (or all three). Our data mining team understands what is genuine and what a scam is. We will provide you with the best contacts for your business activities once you assign a task to us.

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