
What is NeuroMarketing? How Modern Marketers Can Use It to Trigger Sales

Companies must invest investments in innovative strategies to engage customers and strengthen their brand if they want to be competitive and relevant in their sector. The same principle also holds true for moving companies that desire to develop and grow. But did you know that customers define their requirements and wants subconsciously based on what appeals to them in their daily lives? Based on this idea, they determine what they do and how much they are willing to spend on various goods. Nowadays, advertisers and marketers are more interested in strategies that will produce greater results with less and less money.

In order to fill that demand, neuromarketing has come in and proved successful. You can use neuromarketing to better understand how your clients’ brains function and how your marketing techniques will influence them. Using neuromarketing, businesses and marketers have developed smarter, better marketing tactics that will produce fantastic results and effectively support their initiatives. Regardless of your familiarity with the word, you’ve definitely read about or heard about some of the insights marketers have gained from neuromarketing by now. However, what exactly is neuromarketing and how much do you really need to know about it?

This article provides a comprehensive overview of neuromarketing and explains how to integrate it into your marketing plan.

What is Neuromarketing?

Neuromarketing, often known as consumer neuroscience, is the study of the human mind to more correctly foresee and maybe even affect consumers’ cognition and behavior. Neuromarketing is a discipline with fifteen years’ worth of recent studies to illustrate its potential for marketing campaigns, not merely a catchy moniker that a particularly astute salesperson developed. Although it is acceptable to provide a quick theory explanation, the best way to understand any special skill is through practice.

Additionally, it is a current marketing trend to examine how the brain reacts to marketing stimuli using medical technology like functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This marketing tactic aids in the identification of decision-making processes in the brain and their causes in consumers. Applying neuromarketing tactics to your company is one of the simplest and most efficient ways to understand and learn about the behavior of your customers. The traditional customer survey was defeated by neuromarketing methods. With the help of technology, you can identify the parts of your consumers’ brains that are active during the decision-making process and during the actual purchase.

Utilizing the understanding of neurology, the neuromarketing approach identifies the needs, interests, and aspirations of your customers. Customers’ subconscious responses to certain marketing messages, advertisements, packaging, and recommendations are the subject of neuromarketing research. All of the information is done to create marketing campaigns and plans that are successful and efficient and appeal to your target demographic. Neuromarketing is a young and developing field of study that can assist marketers in better understanding consumer behavior to:

  • Packaging
  • Pricing
  • Brand positioning
  • Promotion strategies
  • New product development

Traditional and neuromarketing research can help us understand how people think and act, both consciously and unconsciously. Future research should yield more trustworthy outcomes as neuromarketing science advances.

The information from both sources must always be used intelligently and strategically, taking into account the specific target market, products, and objectives of each organization. In order to determine what is truly effective, it will also be necessary to test out best practices in particular circumstances.

How Modern Marketers Can Use NeuroMarketing to Trigger Sales?

Targeting customer attraction, appeal, satisfaction, and retention is the focus of Neuromarketing. It appeals to clients’ emotions to elicit a favorable response. When executed well, your brand becomes instantly recognizable and you are more likely to gain their loyalty. So how do you profit from this?

Here are some crucial marketing factors influenced by Neuromarketing to address that:

Brand Positioning

It takes more than just putting a product on display and flaunting it to position a business for success. As a marketer, you must use emotional branding and marketing to create a strong brand identity. This implies going beyond the obvious when developing and positioning your brand.

With the aid of Neuromarketing, you may concentrate on learning how the brain reacts to various stimuli. That information can be used to create a plan that will enhance consumer satisfaction or increase brand recognition. It aids in the efficient creation of goods, services, logos, and marketing campaigns that resonate with the correct target market.


It goes without saying that how an advertisement is presented greatly influences the consumer’s choice. The ventromedial prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum, which are in charge of emotions in the decision-making process and the cognition of rewards, are activated by attractive commercials, claims a study.

So it is feasible to determine whether or whether an advertisement is seen as attractive by using Neuromarketing techniques and thereby determine its effectiveness. Testing multiple appealing iterations of an advertisement to see which one has the best response may also be helpful.

Consumer Buying Behavior

The brain is in charge of all of our purchasing habits. To forecast or affect consumer behavior, a marketer must first have a thorough understanding of how the brain functions. Understanding and modeling consumers’ cognitive reactions to marketing messages have long been a methodological difficulty since emotions are potent mediators of how consumers receive messages. Neuromarketing can help you understand the thought processes that lead to the choices that customers make while making purchases. From there, you can successfully alter the positioning of your goods and services.


A persistent and divisive issue is how to set product prices in a way that tempts customers. Fixing prices is one of the appearances in marketing that matters most. Pricing actually plays a significant role in how a product is presented to consumers and how it looks. In other words, whether a consumer sees the price or the product first affects their decision-making process.

Because of this, applying Neuromarketing approaches can be useful in figuring out consumers’ willingness to pay (and price elasticity), enabling you to alter pricing accordingly. For instance, one exciting new finding used by Neuromarketers is that more complex numbers perform better with emotional decision-making whereas rounder figures are more likely to function with them.

Product Design and Packaging

While marketing is undoubtedly essential for influencing consumer behavior, product design can also play a significant role. Brand value can be elevated to a completely new level by attractive packaging and aesthetic appeal. Thus, it is simple to apply Neuromarketing research methods to the process of product design and packaging.

You may revitalize both product and packaging design by employing this strategy. You can determine which brain regions are active when particular brands are shown by using techniques like fMRI, EEG, or any other Neuromarketing approach.

Website Layouts

It’s true what you just read! Website design is being influenced by Neuromarketing strategies as well. Neuromarketers are researching how humans like websites in terms of color schemes, layouts, text size, and more. When building websites, there are now certain clear guidelines to follow. The use of social media widgets, endorsements, and certifications, for instance, will undoubtedly increase client attraction.

By utilizing particular cognitive biases in the layout and content of the website, Neuromarketing in web design seeks to enhance conversion rates and the proportion of visitors who engage with the message. Therefore, you can take use of this to significantly impact the situation!


Today, cutting through the clutter is a problem of growing concern, and marketing professionals are constantly seeking a competitive advantage. Grasp a consumer’s purchasing behavior requires an understanding of the most basic components of human emotion.

Neuromarketing has the advantage of being applicable to both inbound and outbound marketing methods. From providing a warm beverage and a comfortable seat during a sales session to using baby photos in advertisements. These are all techniques to which our brain reacts unconsciously.


Mailing Lists By Zip Code Work Wonders For Direct Marketers

A majority of direct marketers put a lot of time and effort into developing and distributing mailers. While direct mailing does have several marketing advantages, this works even better when marketing is targeted. This is especially true for local companies that only operate in one specific area and offer goods or services there. Here is why purchasing a zip code mailing list can be beneficial.

What is a Mailing List by Zip Code?

An advertising list that has the names and mailing addresses of either consumers or businesses in your particular zip code or zip codes is known as a zip code mailing list. Zip code mailing lists sometimes referred to as residential mailing lists or saturation mailing, will assist your company in reaching each and every home in the carrier routes and communities of your choice. By distributing your direct mail letters, postcards, etc. throughout entire communities, you may quickly establish your company or nonprofit organization.

Numerous businesses offer zip code-based targeted mailing lists for sale, and these lists can be very beneficial. Numerous details about prospective clients are frequently included in mailing lists, such as:

  • Name, Age, and Gender
  • Contact details
  • Estimated income
  • Estimated home value
  • Net worth
  • Occupation of person
  • Marital status
  • Years spent in residence, etc

The direct marketing campaign benefits from more than just zip codes. Its use in locating zip code-based email marketing lists, which will assist you to identify your geographic target audience, can also be emphasized.


Significance of Mailing List By Zip Code

It’s how most companies generate sales: by mastering direct marketing and concentrating on local leads first before branching out. The best tactics for truly establishing a presence in a town are frequent mailings, local emails, and cold contact with nearby companies. You must purchase a mailing list by ZIP code that is precise, verifiable and has all of the important data in one location in order to accomplish so.

When you have organized, highly targeted direct mail lists by ZIP code, you can launch a variety of inventive business-to-business (B2B) campaigns and narrow in on the clients and companies who would be most interested in what you have to offer. The only way to reach these customers is to have the correct information, whether you want to encourage walk-ins to come to your storefront, let local businesses know that you offer them special services, or simply create a more effective email marketing campaign that focuses more on recognizing communities. Rarely can you purchase email addresses by ZIP code, but our premium lists offer all of that information in addition to phone numbers, titles, and more! Sometimes you can locate postal addresses.


How do Mailing Lists Based On Zip Codes Work?

Direct marketers purchase mailing lists by zip code from companies. Following that, marketers might decide to plan their deliveries based on these possible clients. The best thing is that this allows marketers to plan and target their deliveries down to the street level. This will ensure that the ad reaches potential clients while also drastically reducing delivery costs.

Purchasing such email lists might be a terrific way to do research and market analysis. Even though such tailored mailers undoubtedly raise campaign awareness, they can also be utilized to enhance market share by luring in more clients. Here is a helpful checklist for you to take into account before you send out your mailers:

  • Take a look at your competitors and how they utilize direct mailing lists, and be sure to evaluate your target market to discover who might be your customer.
  • Purchase mailing lists from a reputable business that has extensive access to home listings.
  • Calculate your spending plan. Concentrate your attention on mailer design.
  • The list will assist you in contacting the ideal clients.


Types of Mailing Lists By Zip Code

There are two types of mailing lists by zip code which include:

Consumer Mailing Lists by Zip Code

Residential names and postal addresses are included in a Consumer mailing list by zip code (Residential mailing list by zip code), which is a list of zip codes. There won’t be any business mailing addresses on a consumer mailing list. You can target particular groups of people in a zip code by employing a consumer mailing list by zip code, which has the advantage of ensuring that your mailing campaign only reaches those who are most likely to be interested in your service or product.

Example: You run a high-end women’s hair salon. If you mail your postcards to every home, many people who are unlikely to visit your salon will see your advertisement. Instead, you might want to think about focusing your marketing efforts on a more specific, niche market that has the best potential customers for your company, such as Women with a Middle to High Household Income. As a result, your advertisement or offer will be seen by the ideal prospects: women whose projected household income is sufficient to pay for your services. Therefore, by guaranteeing that everyone who receives your advertisement or offer is likely a prospective new customer, a more focused mailing list can help you enhance your potential return on investment.


Business Mailing List by Zip Code

The company name, contact information, and business mailing addresses in one or more specific zip codes are all included in a business mailing list by zip code. Consumer mailing addresses won’t be on a business mailing list. If you want to market to local businesses, you may choose to either target all of the businesses in a particular zip code or focus on a specific category of businesses.

You can target businesses using a business mailing list by industry and standard industry codes (SIC). You can further focus by looking at demographics like the number of employees, annual sales, number of years in business, etc. Therefore, if you utilize a customized Business email list, you may guarantee that you focus on particular types of businesses that are your best possible prospects.


How to Get a Mailing List by ZIP Code?

Depending on your business goals, a number of customized tools are needed. An email list is a helpful resource that has information about your future consumers. A mailing list is organized by ZIP code and contains the mailing information for that particular ZIP code.

A specifically built email list can guarantee a mailing list for a ZIP code. The mailing list for a ZIP code is being made sure by LogiChannel in accordance with your specifications. You can use it to target people in a certain region. Businesses that are getting ready to launch a new location-based activity will profit from an email list with a ZIP code.


Benefits of Using an Email List by ZIP Code

Email lists with ZIP codes are used by the majority of small businesses. It helps them establish connections with neighborhood businesses to raise brand recognition and customer loyalty. It is a crucial first step in growing your company. Making a reliable network is made possible by securing a spot in the neighborhood market. It accelerates the expansion of your company.

Maintaining an up-to-date, validated email list of ZIP codes makes it possible to run innovative business-to-business marketing. You can target a specific area by using an email list with a ZIP code. Consequently, you may easily disseminate the name of the company among your potential customers.


LogiChannel’s Email List by ZIP Code

Using our service, the email list with the ZIP code is guaranteed. Our professionals may gather information from audiences in a specific location based on your business goals and frameworks. Our service is completely customizable to meet your demands because we guarantee custom-built email lists.

The experts of LogiChannel analyze your needs and targeted audiences to ensure the best service. We carefully select our corporate email lists to ensure that each campaign is as effective as possible. Additionally, it is created in a certain way to produce multichannel campaigns. Indeed, you may create a multichannel campaign among an audience in a particular area using the email list from LogiChannel with a ZIP code. Utilize our email lists to contact the sales leads that are the most successful.


Which Social Media platform is perfect for B2B Companies for a Paid Marketing Campaign?

Drive more sales is the aim of any marketing strategy. With the advent of the internet, online advertising doesn’t cost much but helps in turning prospects into loyal customers in a hassle-free manner. To grow or take your brand to the next level, you need to get noticed first. This results in driving more traffic to the website and rolling out effective organic marketing. Also, it must be understood, that it takes time to mature. Wondering what can be done to get good results in a short span of time and build a reputation among your customers, then the paid marketing strategy is highly recommended for you.

What is Paid Marketing?

Paid marketing, also known as digital advertising, refers to any marketing strategy in which a brand targets potential customers based on previous interactions with them or their interests. By identifying the right target audience and setting up your goals and objectives B2B marketers can plan their paid media campaigns.

To grow your marketing, you need to be noticed. Organic marketing is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website, but as we all know it takes lots of time to get mature. With a paid marketing strategy, one can get good results while building a reputation with customers.

Paid campaigns can utilize one or more digital channels which include search engine result pages, social media platforms, and websites. Here are six key points to be taken care of while planning for a paid marketing strategy.

  • Reset & review your benchmarks
  • Build first party first strategy
  • Stay on top of advanced tracking technology
  • Use more paid media channels
  • Roll out master responsive search ads
  • Focus on automation

It is always important to review the set benchmark goals on a regular basis for the expected output. It is always important to look beyond the recurring analysis so that we monitor the campaign performance at the macro level.

Setting up benchmarks can be done in the following ways:

  • Conducting quarterly reviews
  • Visualize your data
  • Use benchmarks

No matter if you are holding up all kinds of PPC reporting, by the end of each quarter you must be able to sit & review how broader trends going on along with your performance. Along with reviews, make use of the available Google Data Studio which helps to provide a more actionable understanding of trends & tools in a hassle-free manner. Most importantly, while comparing against your benchmark, check your performance against the current industry benchmark to make sure you’re staying competitive in the advertising world. The aim is to eradicate all third-party cookies, which is clear & targeting changes are on the horizon. With the help of Facebook lead ads, try to customize your questions to collect all the information you need. Having a strong content strategy helps to build trust through sharing the best about yourself.

According to 2021 HubSpot blog research, when it comes to social media research, it is important for marketers to have a customer-driven marketing strategy.

What is Social Media Marketing?

The process of creating social media platforms to promote your business products and services in order to drive traffic to your business. In recent days we can see social media is constantly evolving and it is incredibly beneficial for your business. All your strategies must differ based on which social media networks & your audience prefer to spend their time on different platforms. Having a robust marketing strategy will help B2B marketers to reach the target audience in a hassle-free manner.


Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms and well established too for B2B & B2C companies. It has a wide range of advertising tools with generating organic opportunities for any business. A report shows that 1.85 billion people log in to social media platforms daily & Facebook owns 60% of all social logins.  One must optimize Facebook presence to attract and engage visitors & convert them into leads.

  • How to use Facebook for business
  • Engage with your audience
  • Listen to your audience
  • Develop a contest and plan for a giveaway strategy
  • Promote your events
  • Make use of Meta Ads

Though there are many social media platforms popping up, Facebook remains the most popular social network. This is the main reason why one must have a Facebook account and try to connect with the audience on a regular basis. It allows B2B marketers to engage in direct conversation with the target audience through comments, reactions, and messages.


Twitter Ads:

If your business wants to distribute content and share it with users around the globe, then Twitter marketing is well suited for you. The idea of reaching hundreds of millions of leads can be possible with the help of fantastic content is possible by using Twitter for business.

A plan for creating, publishing, and distributing content for your buyer persona can boost conversion, and brand recognition, and improve sales. Though there are many social media marketing tools, Twitter has a unique way of promoting content and offers quick customer support.

Here are brilliant ways to use Twitter for your business

  • Brand your profile
  • Create twitter list
  • Host a Twitter chat/space
  • Organize a contest
  • Use Twitter moments
  • Focus on building followers

In twitter always ensure your content is sharable & you often use unique hashtags. Provide your business with an engaging way for your discussion or events for your company and improve your brand value.


Instagram has a primary advantage over other social media platforms because of its visual nature. If your business wants to design your product or services in a visibly noticeable manner, then Instagram is highly recommended to showcase your products or services. Instagram highly relies on video, images, and illustrations which can act as a great fit for your business compared to other mediums.


With the help of YouTube, you can improve your SEO and overall brand visibility. Want to create unique and easy content for your viewers to consume and share, then YouTube is a smart choice. With the proper strategy and a good amount of time, create, engage, and share good content for your growing audience. With a brief brand plan and goal, you can plan, film, edit, market, and analyze content highly useful for your business.


Linked IN:

In recent years, LinkedIn has become a host for B2B marketing and provides a unique professional experience for prospects & marketers across the globe.

Wrapping Up:

Paid marketing is well known for instant results. With the early traction & quick result, one can formulate paid marketing strategy and target prospects with the SMART objective. With the advent of the internet, digital media are changing drastically and will keep on changing. One must be researching a new campaign and optimize another campaign in order to scale up the paid marketing strategy for your business.


Utimate Benefits of Web Traffic for Business[Infographic]

The vast majority of website visitors suddenly vanish. Your marketing department becomes instantly more effective if you can learn more about the visitors to your site already. Why? because they figure out where to focus their efforts.

Additionally, before engaging them, sales teams will have more qualified leads and be better prepared. To generate fresh leads, they won’t need to continually invest in new channels. Furthermore, why would you spend money on other channels when you can connect with warm prospects who have already viewed the website?

To continually innovate the sales process, in this infographic – we are providing the key benefits of web traffic for your business:

Analyze online traffic

You may evaluate the online traffic to your website with the use of web traffic based on the number of people and potential clients who visit and peruse your website. It also reveals where the majority of potential buyers come from, what they did on your website, and how long they stayed there. You can quickly determine what and which activities provide better outcomes and revenues as a result of this and the manner in which the data is displayed.


Track The Bounce Rate

The number of times a visitor has browsed through or even visited your website without engaging with your webpage is known as the bounce rate of your website. If your website has a high bounce rate, it likely has a poor user experience overall and the visitor did not believe the material was appropriate for their needs or what they were looking for. Additionally, it is quite difficult for your organization to do well in sales, quality leads, and any kind of conversions when you have a high bounce rate.


Reach The Right And Ideal Audience

To maximize the value of your efforts, it is crucial for every organization to identify the right audience and make sure that your content reaches them. Web traffic support businesses by providing information on how to develop the right audience, find the right audience, and where to find the right audience. With the correct audience, you can create more effective marketing campaigns that can boost sales, increase conversions, and significantly improve your website.


Monitor And Evaluate Your Advertising Campaigns

By monitoring the effectiveness of your marketing initiatives, you may learn how users responded to them, whether they were successful, and whether the campaign as a whole was profitable for both you and your website. You may also ensure that you can always end a campaign if it is performing poorly by using tracking URLs that are exclusive to each campaign.


Optimized And Enhanced Web Services

With the aid of some of the top web analytics tools to raise the ranking of your website, a business can identify the potentially dangerous issues on its website. Don’t forget to make distinct landing pages for other uses as well, since this will help your website’s user interface. Monitoring how effectively your website performs on mobile devices also helps to enhance the user experience as a whole.

Optimized Conversion Rate

Make sure that users complete the tasks that have been allocated to them by optimizing your website’s conversion rate. The number of successfully achieved goals that the total number of users receives is also used to compute the conversion rate. It also measures the number of times your post has been shared and the number of indirect conversions that have led to your website. This helps you reach a lot larger audience and connect with all of the prospective consumers there.

In addition to this, web traffic assists in knowing precisely what your potential customers are looking for, where they are coming from geographically so you can cater to their needs specifically, and why and where you are losing customers so you can pinpoint your prospects and continue the expansion of your website.


What Shouldn’t You Do In Mobile Email Marketing[Infographics]

There’s a lot of discussion and excitement these days about mobile email marketing. Because it is a new arena, there isn’t much overcrowding or high-stakes competition yet. However, new technology brings new obstacles, and it may become quite easy to misstep and fall down the wrong path. So, if you want your mobile email marketing campaign to work, here’s a brief list of things you shouldn’t do:


What Shouldn't You Do In Mobile Email Marketing | LogiChannel


Don't write long messages

This is an excellent thumb rule for most marketing messages, but it’s especially true on mobile. After all, no one wants to scroll through pages of text. In fact, to encourage easy mailing list signup and coupons at the cash register or in a store window, it’s sometimes advisable to forego text entirely in favor of a simple QR code or text message.


Don't bait and switch

Mobile customers have limited attention spans, so an enticing phrase or offer that doesn’t deliver will be ignored. Learn what your customers want from your store, whether it’s hours, locations, directions, or rapid access to coupons. Mobile users frequently use their devices to compare costs, so instead of aggravating them with a long search, make these as transparent and quick to access as possible.


Don't target too broadly

The greatest mobile marketing strategies focus on a specific customer niche and corporate objectives that are well defined inside a larger marketing strategy. The more targeted you can be, the more relevant promotions and material you can come up with that will genuinely engage your clients.


Don't send texts at random times of the day

Research the times and days when mobile consumers are most responsive, both in general and in your business particularly. A lunch café, for example, would do well to send out a coupon to loyal customers shortly before 11:30 a.m., whereas a bank might want to wait until the after-work rush.


Don't measure the wrong things

Mobile impressions can be a misleading metric. Instead, concentrate on the number of e-commerce sales made on mobile platforms, app engagement, and phone calls received to get a more realistic picture.

Don't ignore trends

It’s a bit disingenuous to say that once you’ve deployed your app and made your online content responsive, everything else will fall into place. Mobile marketing trends shift frequently, so it’s critical to keep track of them and stay up to date.


Don't Ignore Mobile Site Speed

Responsiveness, mobile-friendly interfaces with huge buttons, and direct CTAs get you a long way down the mobile marketing field, but speed is the game-winner. Consider how frustrating it is when a website fails to load on your computer. When a user searches for services on a mobile device, the annoyance level keeps going up. Determine how long it takes for your site to load on mobile and implement the suggestions for improvement.


Don't Assume That Your Clients Aren’t Mobile

How often have you passed the time on your phone surfing numerous websites before returning to take action? Your journey to purchase began innocently on a mobile device, and CEOs and other decision-makers in the business-to-business sector are no exception. Mobile can be high in the funnel for firms with long sales cycles, but it can also be a valuable area for micro-conversions like bookmarking and other steps that aren’t confined to a single audience.

The Take-Away

Smartphone has become a platform that can be extremely useful to businesses and marketers, but only when properly mastered. While other digital marketing trends come and go, mobile email marketing appears to be here to stay as people become increasingly disconnected from their computers. Take the necessary actions now to ensure that your mobile marketing efforts are successful, and watch your traffic increase!


10 Ways To Use LinkedIn For Better Lead Generation

Generating leads is sometimes the most difficult aspect of any marketing campaign. Businesses can make social media into an evergreen source of high-quality leads if they focus their efforts on the proper strategy, channels, experiments, and strengths. It’s simply a matter of employing the appropriate strategies at the appropriate moment. Businesses that implement effective LinkedIn lead generation methods are more likely to increase brand awareness and sales conversion. According to IDC, 75 percent of B2B buyers and 84 percent of C-level executives have included social media as an “essential strategy” in the “critical responsibilities” of the business-related decision-making process.

Because social media is growing at an exponential rate all around the world, LinkedIn has become one of the most powerful tools for finding new consumers. The rewards can be plentiful if you’re prepared to put in the effort. A company’s first step in producing leads through LinkedIn should be determining its target audience. Second, based on what industry you’re in and what you want to achieve, it’d be good for firms to figure out what defines a lead. LinkedIn gives you a dedicated platform to connect with the world’s professionals in one location, but if you want to produce genuine B2B leads, you’ll still need to put in the effort. And, in this article, we’ll show you how to use LinkedIn in ten different ways.

1. Optimize Your Company Profile

Filling out your company profile and keeping it up to date can go a long way toward earning your consumers’ confidence and trustworthiness. Completed company pages, according to LinkedIn, earn 30% more weekly views. This is why it’s critical to ensure that all of your information, including your profile and cover photo, is up to date and that it appropriately reflects your company’s brand. Because your company profile is one of the first things people see when they visit your page, you’ll want to make sure it’s up to date and contains accurate information about your firm.

When you’re finished with your company profile, make sure your company description is keyword-optimized. Because LinkedIn profiles frequently appear in Google search results, take advantage of this opportunity to be found by clients searching for relevant keywords by including these terms in your company description. Using these specific keywords can help you reach out to more qualified prospects.

2. Create Value With Your Content

Providing constant content is worth of struggle when it comes to developing an effective LinkedIn Lead Generation Strategy. In today’s world of social media, having a LinkedIn profile can be critical to establishing your company’s legitimacy. It’s critical that you update your company page on a frequent basis in order to engage potential clients and avoid falling behind your competition. It’s worse to have a LinkedIn presence and not maintain it than to not have one at all.

While maintaining a consistent LinkedIn schedule is critical, it’s also critical to concentrate on the material you’re sharing. Remember that LinkedIn is one of the only platforms where you can connect with all of your present and potential customers and clients in one location, so it’s critical that you provide compelling, instructional content that will persuade your target audience. Using a variety of material to attract clients and bring more traffic to your website, such as sharing articles, posting videos, and photos on LinkedIn, can all be beneficial. To increase your credibility and develop social rapport, remember to remark, like, and engage with sites or businesses.

3. Join LinkedIn Groups

Groups can have a huge impact on your personal brand. Find practitioners within your firm and throughout the industry using Advanced Search. By paying attention to the discussions in these groups, you can learn a lot about your sector. You might learn about new industry-wide pain issues and solutions to those pain points. Learn more about your industry by seeing it from afar. This will provide you with practical, day-to-day insight into how you can assist and connect.

4. Generate Leads Through Sales Navigator

The most common tool for generating leads via LinkedIn is Sales Navigator, which uses an automated search tool with different filters to narrow your target group and locate new prospects. With so many companies on LinkedIn, selecting prospects can be difficult, resulting in time wasted on unqualified leads. You can find your ideal prospect with Sales Navigator by using the platform’s advanced search tools to target your ideal customer and enhance your conversion possibilities.

Sales Navigator also enables you to acquire insights into your target demographic, allowing you to gain a better understanding of your clients and so improve your overall sales process. Sign up for a 30-day free trial of Sales Navigator to learn more about the platform and start building your prospect list based on your different buyer profiles or criteria. If you don’t have the time or don’t feel comfortable doing it yourself, we can assist you in getting started and running your campaigns.

5. Leverage connections with current customers and clients

LinkedIn’s biggest feature is networking, and you should take advantage of this function for lead creation. Connect with current customers and clients on LinkedIn, and learn about their industry connections, as they may be of interest to you. Ask for referrals, references, or just learn how to contact a connection they have that matches your customer profile if you have relationships with existing clients you connect with.

Due to the fact that LinkedIn is a professional network, such requests are less intrusive, obnoxious, and sales than cold contacting someone after obtaining their phone number online. Leads can accept your invitation to connect, go through your profile, and perceive your common connection as a seal of approval.

6. Maintain a consistent presence on the platform

LinkedIn, like all of your other social media accounts, necessitates consistency. You’re not establishing yourself as a consistent presence with your contacts if you upload an article once a week and then log out. You should also keep in touch with your leads on a regular basis. Disappearing in the middle of a conversation is not a good look, and it does not increase their desire to conduct business with you.

7. Engage with Influencers

Collaboration can be beneficial to your company. You can build helpful networks by collaborating with other experts or influencers. Collaboration allows you and another user to complement each other’s strengths, resulting in mutual growth.

One of your videos or blog entries, for example, could be a shared review or interview. You could discuss a topic about which both you and your collaborator are knowledgeable. By engaging with each other’s viewers, you may both expand your potential viewership and grow your network.

8. Farm LinkedIn Recommendations

You can get a “recommendation” on LinkedIn. These are essentially testimonials from other users who can describe you as an expert in specific fields. If someone compliments you on your work, remember to thank them and ask for a recommendation. This will begin to provide proof of your abilities in the eyes of others.

It’s important to note that these suggestions are not the same as testimonials. Potential clients might look up who is giving the suggestions to ensure that they are coming from actual people. This gives them a one-of-a-kind worth that you wouldn’t have otherwise.

9. Move to Convert

Once you’ve acquired a potential client, make sure to transition them to a different mode of communication. This could be done via instant messaging, phone, or even face-to-face communication. You may make a more personal relationship by adding more points of contact. Then you may start the process of converting them from a lead to a paying customer.

10. Target high-value prospects with Ads

LinkedIn Ads are the most effective approach to ensure that your content is viewed by the correct people, yet the network is notorious for being one of the most expensive PPC platforms (those pesky CPCs!). Naturally, this scares many B2B marketers away from LinkedIn, but higher CPCs don’t automatically mean you’ll lose money. Targeting the highest-value audiences you can find – in other words, the most profitable prospects – is the key to LinkedIn advertising success.

A software company selling business management products, for example, could wish to concentrate on enterprise brands that will spend the most per conversion. You may pay more per lead on LinkedIn than you would on Google Ads, but LinkedIn allows you to guarantee your ads are being seen by enterprise decision-makers.


Final Thoughts

To summarize, a successful LinkedIn marketing campaign takes both time and meticulous planning. Maintaining your company profile, creating a systematic and consistent content schedule, and using Sales Navigator to target your potential customers to form connections, build relationships, and produce new leads are all essential components of successful LinkedIn lead creation.

As of now, LinkedIn is the most reputable and least saturated social site, making it simple to bring your business in front of targeted and massive audiences. LinkedIn will continue to grow and be used as effective marketing, sales, and networking tool as more people spend more time online as a result of the current pandemic. LinkedIn has the potential to become your number one lead generator if used correctly, therefore it’s critical to incorporate it into your digital marketing strategy for 2022.‍

vertical Marketing

Everything You Need to Know About Vertical Marketing System

When you just start to create your business and brand, your digital marketing strategy should be informed by who your target audience is. Selecting your target audience — the people who will buy from you and eventually become brand advocates — involves numerous factors. However, you must first determine whether a vertical marketing approach is appropriate for your business. After all, it’s usually the greatest solution when you want to focus on a very specific market.

Horizontal or vertical marketing systems are commonly used by businesses to efficiently create and sell their items to their customers. Producers, wholesalers, and retailers collaborate in a vertical marketing system to increase revenues and streamline operations. We clarify what a vertical marketing system is, the three basic varieties, the benefits and potential pitfalls of employing one, and how to choose the ideal type for your organization in this post.

What is a Vertical Marketing System?

A vertical Marketing System is one in which manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers collaborate to meet the demands of their clients. It allows a single business to have complete control over the manufacturing and distribution of a product.

Producers, wholesalers, and retailers often function as independent entities in traditional marketing systems—or horizontal marketing systems—trying to maximize their own profits. While this may allow each business more independence, it may also lead to increased conflict and competitiveness, resulting in both entities losing money.

What sort of companies use Vertical Marketing?

Now that you have a good understanding of what vertical marketing is, it’s time to learn about the types of businesses that employ it. So, to appeal to their small target groups, enterprises that offer highly specialized products frequently utilize vertical marketing. Companies employ this method to build target demographics for a product that has trouble appealing to a larger audience.

Vertical marketing is the appropriate fit for you if you’re a firm that struggles to advertise products to a larger audience.

The Purpose Of Vertical Marketing System

If you want to go into vertical marketing, you should first understand why it exists. It is, as I previously stated, a technique for identifying your company as a specialty specialist. As a vertical marketer, you position yourself as the ultimate expert in a particular field. You’ll need a highly developed method for generating, promoting, and distributing your products in order to carve out a specialized niche.

As a result, you could say that the goal of vertical marketing is to target a specific audience based on the product you’re selling.

Types of Vertical Marketing Systems:

This vertical marketing system is divided into three parts which are explained in detail as given below:-

  • The corporate system

When all aspects of the distribution channel are streamlined under the direction of a single company, it is referred to as a corporate system. Because the corporate system excludes the function of a middleman, all transactions are conducted internally. Using a corporate system to its full potential allows a corporation to have complete control over the items it produces and the path it takes.

Apple Inc., for example, creates its own things and manufactures them. These items can be purchased at the company’s own retail locations. They don’t need to rely on anyone to produce or sell their goods.

  • The contractual system

In a contractual system, each partner in the distribution chain works independently and coordinates their efforts through a written agreement. They must collaborate to improve efficiency and utilize economies of scale, allowing for more competitive pricing. This is also known as a “value-added partnership,” in which they coordinate their tactics through contracts to avoid channel conflict that may result from individual goals.

A popular type of contractual vertical marketing structure is franchising. A franchise agreement is one in which one party (the franchiser) allows another party (the franchisee) the right to use the franchiser’s trademark or brand name, as well as specified business processes and systems, to create and market a product or service in accordance with certain standards.

  • The administered system

There is no formal contractual tie or corporate ownership of the distribution route among participants in a managed vertical marketing system. Instead, the size and strength of a single person have an impact on their operations. Simply said, any strong and powerful member of the production and distribution chain has a disproportionate influence over the activities of other members of the channel.

Walmart, for example, is a good illustration of this type of company. Walmart is large enough and powerful enough to manage such a system. Most small firms lack the power to run such a system, but they may find it vital to work with a producer or distributor who does.

Why Should You Invest in a Vertical Marketing System?

What benefits can a vertical marketing system provide your company? Depending on your business needs, it may or may not be the best option for you, but here are some of the most typical advantages.

  • Improved Efficiency

Within a vertical marketing structure, those who produce, wholesale, and retail all work together to achieve a similar goal. Because every company has the same goal in mind, there is a greater drive to design systems that are more efficient in general.

  • More Effective Branding

You have a unique opportunity to discover your key message when you can focus your marketing efforts on specific industries and customers, improving the chances of brand awareness. By offering a particular product, you may establish your company as an industry authority. Finally, you’ll be able to demonstrate a deeper grasp of your client’s demands, allowing you to earn their trust and stand out from the crowd.

  • Enhanced Communication

Communication and relationships tend to be better overall when all companies work together. Everyone in the supply chain should communicate with one another on a regular basis, providing updates and adhering to the same rules. This can lead to improved outcomes, increased profits, and happier consumers.

  • Develop Brand-New Ideas

It’s a lot easier to learn about customer insights from within your market, which gives you the opportunity to create new products and/or services. The brands that use a vertical marketing structure are more often than not the ones who can produce the most unique concepts.

How to choose a vertical marketing system?

Follow these steps when choosing a vertical marketing system:

  1. Consider your resources

The vertical marketing system you select is determined by your current resources. You may wish to use a corporate vertical marketing strategy for your business if you have the revenue, experience, and personnel to build your own production, wholesale, and retail departments. Consider proposing a contractual collaboration if you see another company has the resources you require. Finally, if you’re big enough to make the rules, you might already be a vertical marketing system that’s been administered.

  1. Define your goals

Developing your own vertical marketing system necessitates a great deal of planning and resources. Consider what you want to accomplish by merging all components of your marketing strategy. This marketing technique may be appropriate for your brand if you need more resources and want less competition. If your business thrives on a little competition, you might want to hold off from teaming.

  1. Hire a consultant

Consider hiring a consultant if you’re still unclear about which vertical marketing business strategy is appropriate for your company. A business marketing expert can assist you in determining the size, resources, constraints, and needs of your company so that you can make more informed decisions. Look for someone who has worked in your field and has solid experience in business marketing.

Wrapping Up

A vertical marketing system is a novel approach to traditional marketing. It assures that numerous organizations (typically) may work together to meet consumer needs, increase income, and cut costs. A vertical marketing strategy, when addressed correctly and with a lot of patience and forethought, has the ability to take your business to the next level.

email Marketing

Outsource Email Marketing: Reasons & Best Practices in 2022

There is no formula for the perfect email- Authentic and honest messaging works”

The covid-19 pandemic brought tremendous to the way we operate the business. As the world started towards moving many digital strategies, a question that keeps coming up for every business is “Is the email market important”?

If you are into any type of industry and want to grow your business, then the answer is simple Yes. Creating a strong email marketing strategy helps you expand your audience base and connect with them in a personalized way. This can gradually improve sales at an affordable price.  With the advancement in tools and other communication platforms,  email marketing still has the ability to connect with prospects in a hassle-free manner.

A report by Hubspot shows out of 196 billion emails, the majority of it 109 billion is business email. To put it in a simple context. Email marketing is the best and most vibrant way to connect with people. It is also considered a very personal way of reaching out to your target customers. It can be tailored to customer actions so as to connect with the prospect of relevant interest.

Not having enough bandwidth to build your own email list, but interested in connecting with loyal customers and increasing your ROI at an affordable price then probably you must outsource your marketing email. We at Logichannel believe tips for email marketing change every year. Among all outsourcing email marketing is healthy for your business if you want to focus on your research and development of the products. With the growing needs, we understand everyone is into new ventures and wear multiple hats.

As the business grows, the smart organization tends to delegate the task it can. So one such task is email marketing. This is because of carrying out regular marketing activities and managing operational expenses within budget along with limited time and resources. Here comes the next billion-dollar question!!

What is Outsourced Email Marketing?

What Is Outsourced Email Marketing | LogiChannel

When an outside company sends tends to send promotional emails on your behalf, then it is called Outsourced Email Marketing. It is can be in the form of email newsletters, social medial marketing, and other advertising channels.

Email marketing is considered to be one of the specialized skill sets in digital marketing. Hence, make sure it must be outsourced to skilled professionals.

There are numerous benefits of email marketing as it is not limited to just sending an occasional newsletter. A well-researched and strong email strategy helps the brand to stay ahead of competitors and rank high in the search engine result.

Benefits of Outsourcing Email Marketing campaigns:

  • Improved output
  • Builds Brand awareness
  • Provides expertise solution
  • keep you focused on core values
  • Cost-effective
  • Time Efficient
  • Broaden customer reach
  • Building business relationship
  • Promote your content
  • Generate high-quality leads
  • Market your products and services
  • Nurture leads
  • Cost Saving

Why email marketing is important?

Why Email Marketing Is Important | LogiChannel

The use of email communication in a marketing strategy to connect with specific business goals is referred to as Email Marketing. Email marketing can be used to generate high sales and improve customer engagement, acquire new customers, and reward loyal customers.

For existing customers, email marketing helps to establish proper communication and awareness. For potential clients, it can be used to attract their needs through B2B campaigns.

We all know Marketing strategy is ever-changing, hence we must ensure our email campaign must be segmented in a brilliant way to cater to the different business needs.

Different types of Email Marketing Campaigns include:

  • Newsletter
  • Welcome Messages
  • Anniversary or birthday wishes
  • Limited time offers
  • Abandoned cart emails

So here comes the next big question what is the email marketing task you can outsource?

As a B2B marketer email database service provider, we believe there are plenty of reasons to outsource email marketing services. The main one among all is the ease of functional operations. Ideally employing a third-party marketing company or a marketing expert to handle the company’s marketing organization is often termed “Outsourced Marketing”.

Below given are the major email marketing services that are outsourced often:

  • Market Analysis or Market Research
  • Planning & Strategy
  • Creative Projects
  • Marketing and Sales Operations

Market Analysis:

The comprehensive examination of a company’s market, rivals, and consumers is considered to be Market Research. This helps in assisting and determining the company’s brand USP(Unique Selling Products) and understanding your consumer’s requirements. It is a simple technique that helps B2B marketers to understand buyers persona and reach out to them via email.

Doing in-house research and analysis may be time-consuming. Hence, you can connect with agencies to provide you with the necessary data you require and execute a well-planned email strategy.

Planning & Strategy:

With a well-planned email marketing strategy, you can rebuild your brand image. It is a brilliant way to determine when and how your brand must be introduced to the market. A digital marketing company may help you in developing a brand marketing strategy for strong email campaigns. It helps in positioning, brand, and developing a unique proposition.

Marketing and sales operations:

Improve the overall marketing process from planning, implementation to measurement by outsourcing to an organization. An outsourced agency is responsible for planning a project, implementing creative processes, and improving brand consistency along with marketing results.

Benefits Of Outsourcing Email Marketing:

Benefits Of Outsourcing Email Marketing | LogiChannel

 Bringing Fresh Perspective to Projects:

Convey your brand story to your target market through the various web, social media, email campaigns, and more. From logos, websites, apps, emails, newsletters, and marketing campaigns to lead generation, you can bring life to B2B campaigns.

Outsourcing Marketing Analytics:

Marketing intelligence is all about how well data are used. If in-house expertise is not available, then making efforts to understand and get that extra nugget of marketing insights may improve your sales drastically.

Engage with the audience with quality writing:

By outsourcing email marketing, you can connect with a skilled writer with eye-catching headlines to target specific segments of your email marketing. Generate sales using data to design in email templates. It helps your customer retention for best practices. We believe email marketing is consistent, and it improves trust in your brand. Perfect timely email plays a vital part of your B2B marketing strategy.

Improve your ROI:

Monitor changes in the email provider permissions to prevent bouncing in email marketing.  Personalizing is essential and plays a huge part in marketing success. It helps to keep your customer foremost and achieve your business goals.  It creates building brand awareness in a cost-effective manner.

Time Efficient:

In a long run, outsourcing will be time-consuming as it frees up valuable time for important aspects of driving higher sales along with improving customer experience. When it comes to email marketing, you can create an entire B2B campaign on a shorter cycle, and ensure your audience sees the right emails at the right time. When prospects are connected at the right time, it helps to nurture leads and improves conversions.

Choose an email campaign type based on your goals:

We all know email campaigns vary based on your business goals. As there are different types of email campaigns, outsourcing agencies can decide what works best for your audience. Set up different lists for different types of emails, so that customers and prospects can be connected to the products and services of their choices or they are interested in.

Wrapping Up:

B2B marketers always face challenges in establishing familiarity with customers. It is important for marketers to establish business relationships and connect with the audience for a successful email campaign. Outsourcing email marketing is one of the best solutions for maximizing and reaping good ROI for all your B2B campaigns. Though the email sourcing option is highly recommended on your budget and the nature of the campaign, choose a wise agency as it defines an established relationship with your customers and prospects.

Data Appending Solution

Top Ecommerce Platforms for Small Businesses[Infographics]

The Digital era is a boon for small business owners, especially during this pandemic running a business with new normal terms is difficult. But with the numerous online modes & digital platforms, it is possible to establish an empire in a hassle-free manner. Choosing the right e-commerce platform is more like giving a physical address for your business where a lot of points to be considered. Are you looking for tools to build your eCommerce platforms? Then, there are many top-ranked products for small business owners.

  • Top Ecommerce Platforms For Small Business | LogiChannelShopify
  • Square Online
  • Ecwid
  • Wix
  • Squarespace
  • Weebly
  • Magneto
  • BigCommerce
  • WooCommerce
  • Zyro


Shopify is one of the best websites that offers the best sales features along with a wide range of powerful industry-leading tools & plugins. If you’re serious about selling online, then Shopify is one of the best & recommended E-Commerce platforms you must check.

Square Online:

If you’re one of the business owners who want to combine online selling strategy with offline sales then Square online is for you. Build highly professional-looking stores in simple steps with the help of Square Online.


Ecwid is one of the most powerful platforms which are used to sell products online irrespective of time & location. Ecwid is highly recommended for companies that can integrate existing websites, the social media networks,s and other business pages in a single control panel.


Wix is one of the best options for the e-commerce store which delivers exceptional performance. It gives you absolute control over your website. You can build a world-class solution by using Wix e-commerce solutions.


Based on your business, if you want to have creative control over your website, then Squarespace will be the best fit for you at an affordable price. Build an eye-catching online business or portfolio using Squarespace e-commerce features.


Weebly is comparatively booming and small upcoming services for today’s business owners at affordable & friendly manner. More importantly, is very budget-friendly so you don’t need to invest a huge amount on starting a hosting a website.


Magneto is one of the well-established & popular e-commerce platforms for many successful retail companies and retailers. One important benefit of choosing magneto is you can find millions of emerging developers who can make your brand popular as it offers complete customization control.


Big-commerce is a scalable solution for businesses that can be used by businesses that want to expand their network. It is ideal for companies that want to keep their expenses relatively low & grow the business.


WooCommerce is one of the best e-commerce solutions that grabbed the attention of all companies in the shortest span. It is easy to use WordPress content management system. This solution includes extra features as per your business needs.


If you’re looking for an attractive & convenient website builder then Zyro is the best choice for you. You can design a fully independent website builder which allows brands to start their own website without coding or design skills.

With the growing needs, every business aims to establish their online platform based on their business requirement. Pick the one which suits your requirement & grow your business without any technical barriers.

Intelligent Marketing Database

Intelligent Marketing Database: What Is It And Why You Should Care?

You can have data without information, but you cannot have information without data- Danial Keys Moran

With the tremendous change around us, owning a big data database is not enough to survive in the business world. If you want to stand apart from your competitors, then having an intelligent marketing database is highly recommended for you.  Focusing on a good database helps you to grow sales & stay ahead of your competitors. With good data, you can make the right decision for better analysis & improve your overall performance.

What is Intelligent Marketing Database?

What Is Intelligent Marketing Database | LogiChannel

The word Intelligence does wonders here. It differentiates regular database which contains unnecessary & irrelevant data to provide complete 360 degrees of target customers. Such types of smart databases have multi-dimensional information which is highly recommended for rolling out B2B campaigns at reduced cost with improved benefits.

Any marketing database must be capable of targeting customers at the right time in a hassle-free manner. In order to match the growing needs of customer needs & expectations as B2B marketers, we must be ready to accommodate then changes effectively.  It plays a key role to understand the current market state which can be profitable for the smooth running of the business. An intelligent marketing database focuses on getting a holistic view of understanding the entire market, not just an organization.

An intelligent marketing database is closely associated with market research and comprises three major parts which include competitor intelligence, product intelligence & market intelligence. A perfect blend of all these three makes your database smart & they add value to your business decisions & improve profits effortlessly.

Product Intelligence:

Product Intelligence | LogiChannel

Gathering all information related to competitors & similar products contributes to product intelligence. This helps to understand why a competitor’s product does well when compared to your product & helps to identify the area which requires high attention. Understanding these standards helps the company to strategically launch its models at the right time with the right price.

Market Understanding:

Market Understanding | LogiChannel

Knowing the current market size & trends helps you survive in the global market. Having a clear understanding of what is in demand & what the customer wants can improve your revenue & market share.

Customer Understanding:

Customer Understanding | LogiChannel

Market research was broad & strategic which describes the environment what type of audience must be targeted. Customers must be approached based on their business requirements and how your products can be leveraged for their business.

Importance of database marketing:

Today’s marketers have complete access to customer data. Thanks to advanced marketing tools. Because of database marketing, you can use collected data to create more marketing messages and attract potential prospects.

Benefits of database marketing:

We all want a personalized experience with the brand we like right? So have you ever wondered how marketers achieve it? To deliver one, marketers prepare a unified view of customers across each and every touchpoint. This helps in understanding the customer journey and helps marketers to engage them in a meaningful way. Having a clear customer database can help you in many ways:

  • Helps to group customers based on their purchase history
  • Creates detailed customer segment based on demographics, behaviors or personal interest
  • Helps to design highly personalized messages to customers and prospects
  • Determines the best channel and time to engage with customers
  • Improves your time and marketing efficiency, eliminating time on prospects not responding
  • Builds effective loyalty programs
  • Provides a complete 360-degree view of customer service
  • Boost the overall performance of an organization
  • Provides clear insights of key decision-makers
  • Optimizes resource allocation
  • Improves sales revenues
  • Generates more quality leads


Handle Customer Engagement Intelligently:

Handle Customer Engagement Intelligently | LogiChannel

Revenue & retention are possible with a well-optimized customer experience.  If it gets right, it can turn into customer insight. With the advancement of marketing tools, customer experience is more engaging. Even messenger these days becomes even more popular customer service channel which can help in generating new leads & retain existing customers.  Using these tools you can collect customer insights to understand them better.

Create Buyer Persona:

Using generic demographics in developing buyer persona is not a great idea. Try to get deeper into customer preference using Google analytics, Social Media outlets, and professional forums to connect with customers more effectively. Make use of proper keywords and descriptions to create a buyer persona that describes your services.

Generate Data From Customer Analytics:

Generate Data From Customer Analytics | LogiChannel

From clicking on the link through a web page, customers can get valuable insights to understand customer behavior. With advanced tools in determining customer interaction with your website,    gather high insights on the page and reduce bounce rate.

Predict & Plan future:

Having a detailed plan for future customer engagement is as important as creating a plan for the present. With the predictive modeling software, you can identify cyclical patterns and trends which can be used for important decision making.

Getting a deeper understanding of your position in the market:

In the global market, a well-built intelligence process will give insights that can help you to understand the current in-depth. It also gives your position in the market along with your competitor. You will get to know the current market demand and what needs to be done to meet the growing needs of the end customer.  As you will be using collected information for analysis and metrics you need to execute well-planned strategies accordingly to create a win-win situation for you.

Evaluate your product and service:

Familiarize your products and services already available in the market along with current trends, features & specifications. This activity helps you to evaluate your product and service and it helps in making strategies for improving sales.

Target Right Audience:

Target Right Audience | LogiChannel

With an effective market intelligence process, determine the gender, age, location, likes & interests of ideal customers well suited for promoting your products & services. There are various marketing intelligence techniques that can be used across various audiences aiming at connecting with customers who fit into your customer personas effectively.

Do Competitor Analysis:

Do Competitor Analysis | LogiChannel

Competitor analysis is one of the significant parts of building any intelligent marketing database. This activity contributes complete information which can be used to conduct a competitor analysis to get a deep understanding of your strength & weakness. Get real-time data to understand the raising consumer opinion & be more customers centric. Competitor analysis improves your upselling opportunities with low risk.

Wrapping up:

With the advancement in the analytics & recording tools, you can connect with customer & prospect touchpoints effectively. The ultimate goal here is to build a firm foundation as per quality customer data. Use collected data to grow your business & develop as a brand champion. The intelligent marketing database allows your sales and marketing teams to focus on the business goal and grow your revenue drastically.  Invest in the right intelligence marketing database to build strategic account plans and discover new opportunities which are aligned with your sales & marketing goals.