B2B Lead Generation

How AI Can Transform The Future Of B2B Marketing?

With the advancement in technology, Artificial Intelligence started to revolutionize various aspects of our lives. And there is no doubt it will continue to grow. Covid pandemic forced marketers to rethink their marketing strategies. Enforcing lockdown got many disruptions in business operations & paved the way to automate routine jobs in the B2B marketing landscape. Thus, Artificial Intelligence (AI) started to reshape various industries, B2B marketing also caught up in this AI journey.

Here comes a million-dollar question for every B2B marketer out here, should AI be adopted to improve B2B business & sales?  To answer this question, it can be reframed how AI can be leveraged to grow any business. Yes AI should be leveraged for B2B marketing across any industry vertical.

A report from Blueshift, which analysed the importance of AI-powered marketing campaigns shows AI-powered campaigns improved customer engagement 7X & revenue 3X.  It is clearly understood that 80% of the B2B marketing executives will opt for AI as it will revolutionize across all industries by 2021.

Urge to automate business processes allows Artificial Intelligence (AI) to reframe marketing strategies as & when required.  So, this article will discuss various ways AI can transform the future of B2B marketing.

AI For Lead Generation:

Have you ever wondered how Alex plays your favourite song or Netflix suggests what to watch based on your watching pattern? Artificial Intelligence & machine learning already exist in our daily life. Thanks to modern technologies for making our life so exciting.

AI can bridge the gap between the sales & marketing team, as it establishes shared focus & communication between them. And it also plays a vital role in qualifying leads for business based on pre-defined metrics. AI is the perfect way to combine them together & suggests the best leads for your business well aligned with marketing goals.

Creating Ideal Customer Persona:

Creating a customer persona consist of several variables such as industry, name, email, phone & more. These criteria are various from business to business which needs to be decided by key decision-makers.  With the help of AI, the created profile can be matched against fixed selection criteria. Hence the job is made simple & efficient for marketers to initiate business conversations.

Alternatively, AI can be used to cleanse generated leads over the years which are left without any use. Instead of manually collating leads obtained from various sources over the years, AI can securitize value-added data that fit your selection criteria & separate quality leads that you haven’t thought about for years.

Lead Conversion:

The dream of every business is to convert all prospects into clients. If generating potential leads is core for every business, then converting those leads into paying customers is a smart move. Generating 5000 leads every day when nothing gets converted doesn’t add value to your efforts.

Leveraging AI gives you crystal clear insights what is the core need of any prospect. This insight is highly used in structuring, a marketing campaign that is aligned with the demands of potential prospects. AI can be used by B2B marketers in sending personalized ad campaigns based on their preferences, demographics & behavioural data.

Streamlining Engagement Process:

A B2B marketer should spend countless hours connecting with new leads. The salesperson should never miss any opportunity that comes their way. With the help of Artificial Intelligence, streamlining regular processes is simple & efficient. Artificial Intelligence can be used to automate every conversation with leads in an effective and efficient manner. AI has the ability to turn a huge volume of data into useful insights. And it also picks the right elements to segment customers, predict the outcome & anticipate the success rate.

DE-Duplicating Leads:

A business can acquire data from multiple sources in different formats. Collecting, analysing & filtering out low potential leads can be a tough & time-consuming process. AI tools are highly recommended to separate high quality leads for business which can be nurtured by sales until they turn into customers. Data quality plays a key role in maintaining a lead database. With AI tools & an advanced cleansing mechanism, AI can assure no salesperson is following up the same lead, thus saving marketing efforts & time.


One of the most promising benefits of AI tools in B2B marketing will be the personalization of communication. In general, people are receptive to messages through which they can connect personally. AI tools can be used to create personalized B2B messages & ad campaigns. Alternatively, the personalized campaign can increase the overall customer experience & paves the way to move leads up in the sales cycle.

Predictive Analysis:

Predictive analysis is the buzzword often used in the world of AI. Predictive analysis has the ability to take all leads & compare them against financial & marketing data. It can be even used against social media campaigns to withdraw prospect information& draw a conclusion out of it. Will it be beneficial if someone predicts your future by analyzing trends & data patterns? Awestruck right! AI has all possible to predict the future trends of all your marketing activities including lead generation, potential financial spending & products or services that would attract prospects.

  1. Analyzing & Measuring Efforts:

There is a beautiful saying in English “if you don’t know exactly where you’re going. How will you know when you get there?”  This proverb is well suited for any B2B marketing initiative. As a B2B marketer, it is important to measure historical benchmarks with past results. There are many AI-powered apps that make our lives easier with smart recommendations.  Not only does AI analyses your data, but it also suggests improvements based on data patterns. Advancement in machine learning plays a crucial role in the decision-making process.

Business is all about collecting, processing & analyzing data. When humans are prone to errors, AI comes to the rescue, as it is capable of solving complex problems into simple solutions within short intervals.

  1. Behavioural Analysis:

One of the most important aspects of any business is behavioural analysis. Grouping or segmenting prospects by anticipating their behaviour with the use of available contact data & historical actions. B2B marketers can use it effectively to tailor the products & services that fit perfectly with the changing customer needs.

  1. Creating Omni Channel Campaigns:

Design & deploy the ideal customer experience from independent message to complex Omnichannel journey with fully customizable templates. Build workflows that can be incorporated from any channel with a deep understanding of customer & business requirements.  Experience the power of data by building customizable metrics, visualization & reports that evaluate campaign performance in a hassle-free manner. Make smart decisions to drive exponential growth & build a seamless experience for the customer.

Benefits Of AI In B2B Marketing:

  • Predictive lead scoring
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Ability to differentiate buyers & visitors
  • Identify special trends
  • Recognizing data patterns
  • Generating quality leads
  • Improved efficiency
  • Drive more sales
  • Increased ROI
  • Improved quality of decision making
  • Automating routine process

Bottom Line

There is a well-known fact that “data is the new currency of the digital world”. It is not the information that provides real value, but the information derived out of data.  Wondering why the world thrives to use AI for B2B marketing, all because of their ability to systematically analyze information, decode patterns, connect dots & provide valuable insights. With these insights, AI gives precise predictions & recommendations that are highly required for planning successful B2B strategies against any industry vertical. The use of AI frees up valuable time & space that B2B marketers can use for the strategic development of business & higher productivity.

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