Logichannel’s women health service mailing list has details of private hospitals & state owned medical centers that provide OB-GYN care for all stages of women’s life. This mailing list provides complete 360 degrees of contact details which minimizes estimated time to connect to prospects & leads from healthcare industries.
Telemedicine Companies Email list
Size of Telemedicine Companies Database: 40,900
Telemedicine Companies by Specialty:
Telemedicine Companies by Services:
Telemedicine Companies by Journal Subscriptions:
Telemedicine Companies by Geography:
Telemedicine Companies by License
Best For:
Email Delivery Rate :
Database Overview
Logic channel’s has a team of experts who thrive hard to get contact details from reliable & trusted sources such as trade shows, webinars, health conference, HIPPA conference. We know the importance of virtual connection & communication between patients hence we assure our contact details are highly verified & receptive to promotional offers.
Key Features Of Marketing Database
- Find professionals within healthcare industries associated with pharmaceutical companies who can help in marketing new products & services.
- Get the email lists of physician with various specialities including Internal medicine, family medicine, emergency medicine & more.
- Access the direct dial-in numbers, email address & mailing addresses of the top medical specialist based on your geographical areas using our telemedicine companies email list.
- Connect with prospects with their preferred mode of communication channel for promotion of new products highly useful for women.
List of Telemedicine Companies to Target
Connect with Telemedicine Companies based on various specializations:
- Hospital Management Consulting Executives
- Hospital Planning and Management Consultants
- Senior consultant healthcare
- Healthcare Manager
- Telehealth Director
- Telehealth Assistant directors
List of Telemedicine Companies by services
Connect with Telemedicine Companies based on the services they provide:
- Healthcare Consulting
- Healthcare education consulting
- Health Education & Training
- Online consultation
- Health plans
List of Telemedicine Companies by Journals Subscriptions
At LogiChannel, we made it easy to connect with Telemedicine Companies based on their journal subscriptions.
- International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications
- SAGE Journal of Telemedicine & telecare
- SM Journal of Telemedicine
- Journal for Healthcare Quality
- American Telemedicine association magazine
- Research Journal of Women’s Health
- Women’s Health Science Journal
- Austin Journal of Women’s Health
- Evidence Based Women’s Health Journal
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