Accurate and Verified Doctors Mailing List with over 45,000 contacts. Access all the relevant contact data of leading Doctors who are in need of high-quality commercial solutions and connect with them via telephone, direct mail, and email marketing campaigns.
Doctors Mailing List
Size of Doctors Database: 46,200
Doctors by Specialty:
Doctors by Certifications:
Doctors by Journal Subscriptions:
Doctors by Geography:
Doctors by License:
Best For:
Email Delivery Rate :
Database Overview
The most complete listing of Doctors is available with every known office based and surgeon which is compiled from more than 50 data sources and verified twice for accuracy. This Doctor mailing database enables you to reach Doctors who are involved in clinical research and clinical trials. This group of medical professionals are highly intelligent, ambitious, well-educated and dedicated to treat common health problems. The Doctors email list allows you to market to healthcare professionals who purchase medical books and publications to stay current in their field of expertise.
Key Features Of Marketing Database
- Access all the relevant contact details of top notch Doctors practicing in hospitals, clinics, healthcare centres, and more.
- Boost your multi-channel marketing campaigning across physicians who are specialized in study and treatment of various diseases.
- Get accurate and targeted Doctors Email addresses to start your next email, direct mail or telephone campaigns.
- With our Doctors Mailing List, connect with these medical professionals who are excellent prospects for professional and upscale consumer offers.
List of Doctors to Target
Connect with Doctors based on various specializations:
- Anesthesiologists
- Arthritis Specialists
- Cardiology Doctors
- Chiropractic Doctors
- Dermatologist List
- Dermatopathologist
- Diabetes Specialist
- Gastroenterologists
- General Surgeons
- Geriatricians
- Hematologists
- Nephrologists
- Neurology doctors
- Oncology doctors
- Orthopedic Surgeons
- Pathologists
- Pediatricians
- Plastic Surgeons
- Pulmonologists
- Urologists
- Vascular Surgeons
- Rheumatology Doctors
- Radiologist
- Optometrists
- Ophthalmologist
- Acupuncturist
- Optician
- Psychiatry Doctors
- Endocrinologists
- Hygienists
- Primary Care Physicians
- General Practitioners
- Osteopathic Physicians
List of Doctors by Certification
Connect with certified and licensed Doctors based on the certifications they hold:
- Board Certification in American Board of Administrative Medicine
- Board Certification in Anesthesiology
- Certification in Dermatology
- Board Certification in Diagnostic Radiology
- Board Certification in Disaster Medicine
- Certification in Emergency Medicine
- Certification in Family Medicine Obstetrics
- Geriatric Neurology Certification
- Certification in Clinical Neurophysiology
- Certification in Sleep Medicine
- Certification in Epilepsy
- Certification in Hospice and Palliative Medicine
- Multiple Sclerosis Certified Specialist
- Certification in Internal Medicine
- Certified Nutrition Support Clinician
- Headache Medicine Certification
List of Doctors by Journals Subscriptions
At LogiChannel, we made it easy for healthcare marketers to connect with specific Doctors based on their journal subscriptions.
- New England Journal of Medicine
- JAMA – Journal of the American Medical Association
- The Lancet
- The BMJ – British Medical Journal
- Nature Medicine
- The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology
- JAMA Internal Medicine
- Annals of Internal Medicine
- Journal of Internal Medicine
- Hypertension
- BMC Family Practice
- Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine
- JAMA Pediatrics
- Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
- Journal of Adolescent Health
- The Journal of Pediatrics
- American Journal of Gastroenterology
- Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians
- The Lancet Oncology
- Journal of Clinical Oncology
- Journal of the National Cancer Institute
- Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology
- JAMA Psychiatry
- American Journal of Psychiatry
- The Lancet Psychiatry
- Alzheimer’s & Dementia
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