Physical Therapy Assistants Email List
Reach over 45,223 physical therapy assistant mailing list from Logichannel including verified email address, phone numbers, full name, practice name & etc. Get to know about key therapist assistant to connect with physical therapist working at top hospitals & clinics.
Database Overview of Physical Therapy Assistants Email List
Send personalized message to this physical therapy assistant mailing database which comprises of professionals skilled in implementing & monitoring physical therapist patients plan under the supervision. This physical therapy assistant mailing list has PT assistants has strong in documenting patient care services & department records as per corporate & state guidelines. This mailing is timely verified to ensure PT assistants are communicated through preferred communication channel for effective communication.
Key Features Of Physical Therapy Assistants Email Database
- Find all Physical therapy assistant with sub-specialities as emergency medicine, Pediatric care & geriatric care.
- Access consolidated contact details of certified Physical therapy assistant holding the National Physical Therapy certification.
- Get to know about various PT assistants associated with clinics & hospitals across the USA.
- The mailing list of PT assistant Specialists will assist you with the most accurate contact data for effective B2B communication.
List of Physical Therapy Assistants to Target
Connect with Physical Therapy Assistants based on various specializations:
- Physiotherapy Specialist assistant
- Occupational therapist assistant
- Physical Therapist Assistant Rehab
- Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant
- Therapist assistant
- Rehab Aide
- Geriatric care assistant
List of Physical Therapy Assistants by Certification
Connect with certified and licensed Physical Therapy Assistants based on the certifications they hold:
- National Physical Therapy certification
- Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy certification
- Federal State license
- Graduate of an accredited Physical Therapist Assistant program
- Basic Life Support Certification
List of Physical Therapy Assistants by Journals Subscriptions
At LogiChannel, we made it easy to connect with specific Physical Therapy Assistants based on their journal subscriptions.
- Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy
- Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy
- Journal of Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics
- European Journal of Physiotherapy
- Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy
- Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
- Journal of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
- Journal of Physical Therapy Education – LWW Journals
- Elsevier Journal of Physiotherapy
- International Journal of Physiotherapy
- British Journal of Sports Medicine
“We super charged our sales team with high growth prospects list from LogiChannel. We increased our lead pipeline and conversion rate through best targeted email list."
Our conversion rate increased 72% a year, this is huge increase on our organization baseline growth.
Justin Hemberg
Director Marketing, TalentMaker